Guarida de Wolvers

De SpiralKnights-es

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Guarida de Wolvers
Archivo:Gate-Guarida de Wolvers.png
Gate Icon-Beast.png Gate Icon-Construct.png Gate Icon-Fiend.png Icon status fire.png Icon status freeze.png Icon status shock.png Icon status poison.png
32px Brutalidad de la Manada

32px Cenizas de Ash Tails

32px Furia Fría

32px Alto Voltail

32px Desvarío Rabioso

Wolvers are a highly adaptable pack beast whose predatory instincts are only matched by their quick reflexes. They play with their prey by dancing about and finally striking from behind. Keep a blade handy.


Brutalidad de la Manada


Cenizas de Ash Tails


Furia Fría


Alto Voltail


Desvarío Rabioso



A floating island much like the Aurora Isles or the Jigsaw valley, consisting of some wolvers near the start, then polyps near some brambles dependidng on the level's theme (poison brambles occur in the Desvarío Rabioso) ,A fight consisting of three waves which is determined by the theme:

  • 1st Wave: 3 Wolvers
  • 2nd Wave: 4 Wolvers, 1 Alpha Wolver, 1 Silkwing
  • 3rd Wave: 5 Wolvers, 2 Alpha Wolvers, 2 Silkwings

and at intervals, treasure boxes either surrounded by shrubs or breakable stone blocks with some minerals lying around as well.


  • The level name "Desvarío Rabioso" is a refference to the game "Rayman: Raving Rabbids".

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