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Archivo:Icon status .png
Todas las
condiciones de Estado
Icon status stun.png Aturdir

Icon status poison.png Veneno

Icon status fire.png Fuego

Icon status freeze.png Congelar

Icon status shock.png Descarga

Icon status curse.png Maldición

Icon status sleep.png Sueño

Archivo:Cursed knight.png
A knight inflicted with curse. You notice three vials are cursed, the current equipped weapon and the curse will last for 40 more seconds.

Curse is a status condition that will randomly lock all but one of the player's weapons and vials. For as long as curse is active, attempting to use these items will damage the player.

Enemies who are Cursed will take damage when using any attack or healing ability. Curse will not cancel enemy attacks, however.

Themed Enemies

Curse is not a possible stratum theme, but the following monsters may inflict curse status:

The following monsters are immune to curse:

Inflicting and Receiving Curse

Spiral Knights can inflict curse on monsters by using curse vials against them or using a weapon that has a chance of inflicting curse.

Weapons that are able to inflict curse are:

When using the charge attack, these weapons have a chance of self-inflicting a curse as well. This effect will last 43 seconds without any curse resistance. In addition 2 of your equipped weapons and 3 vials will cause self-damage for the duration of the curse. This means that if you don't have any weapon slots unlocked, all of your weapons will be harmful to your health. These effects can be mitigated somewhat by having points in curse resistance.

Sources of curse resistance are:

  • Some armor and helmets.
    • Equipment at three stars give 2 points of curse resistance, four stars give 3 points, and 5 stars give 4 points (except Almirian Crusader Armor, which appears to give 2).
    • Some equipment will decrease your curse resistance, though the effects of having negative resistance hasn't been tested.
  • Curse resistance from unique variants, a value from 1-4 points. See abilities.
  • Silver Amulet and advanced versions thereof. A 5-star trinket is worth 2 points.

Different sources of a status effect can inflict it with different strength, but some testing has been done with the Gran Faust's self-inflicted curse:

For each point of curse resistance you have, the total time of the curse is decreased by 3-2 seconds. Less time is decreased per point as the point total increases, however the exact relationship is not yet known. Other effects are as follows:

  • At 1 point (equal to a low UV), the number of vials cursed becomes 2.
  • At 4 points (equal to a max UV, or one piece of most 5* armors), the number of weapons cursed becomes 1.
  • At 7 points, the number of vials cursed becomes 1.

At least 7 points of resistance have been tested, and the total time of the curse continues to be reduced, but higher values have not yet been tested. There seems to be a reduced rate of self-inflicting a curse as well as slightly reduced damage from using a cursed weapon, with higher curse resistance. Additional conclusions pending.[1]

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