Difference between revisions of "Help:Page/Rank Mission"

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(only include section if the mission is a "dialogue" mission - dialogues within combat missions are contained in floor subpages)
(only include section if the mission is a "dialogue" mission - dialogues within combat missions are contained in floor subpages or notes if the end segment is the only special)

Revision as of 16:53, 21 December 2015

|name          = 
|type          = rank 
|subtype       =
|mission rank  = 
|host rank     = 
|depth range   = 
|combat floors = 
|preceded by   = 
|followed by   = 
|stratum       = 
|NPCs          =

|description = 
|objective   = 

==Gate Map==
{{:PAGENAME/Gate Map}} (only include section if there are combat areas)

(only include section if the mission is a "dialogue" mission - dialogues within combat missions are contained in floor subpages or notes if the end segment is the only special)

This mission was introduced with {{release|BLAH}} (unless there's a lot of history, then put it in its own section below)

*(if there's enough history) {{release|year-month-day}}: summaryofrelease

==See Also==
{{mission see also}}
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