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* Vaarsuvius (Recruit)
* Vaarsuvius (Recruit)
* Faust-Fighter (Recruit)
* Faust-Fighter (Recruit)
* Volcanica (Recruit)
* Chrome-Knight (Recruit)
* Kellnawx (Recruit)
* Ardenti (Recruit)
* Marksmans (Recruit)
* The-It-Guy (Recruit)

Revision as of 15:48, 2 October 2011

Gyro Avengers is a friendly social guild created by User(s) Takendown, Kellnox and Andmatt.

Gyro Avengers
GuildLogo-Gyro Avengers.png

Recruiting the worthiest of Knights who have proven themselves to be worthy in the Clockworks.

Guild Founder: Takendown, Kellnox, Andmatt
Approx. Population: 22

Information on Gyro Avengers

Gyro Avengers, (abbriviated as GYRAV) are a growing group of members who never turn down a chance to dominate the Clockworks. GYRAV features welcoming and hilarious members, such as Takendown (Founder), Kellnox (Co-Founder), Lengendguy (Officer) and Kroknor (Officer) and many more. We strive to be the best Guild out there, offering a range of different activities that'll keep you with us. We have interesting discussions too, which takes place at the Guild Hall. For more information on Activities, please take a look at the Guild Activities[1] section of the Guild Wiki.

What we're looking for

Gyro Avengers looks for the most strong-hearted Knights throughout the Depths. Knights don't have to look physically strong, but they have to have a strong mind in tackling fierce monsters that roam the depths of each gate. Anyone from Tiers 1 - 3 can be accepted. But please note that not all players will be accepted. We only accept ones who WE think will stick with us.

Note: We don't just recruit random people that fall out of the skies. We recruit members based on what they wear and how they perform in Guild Raids. Do NOT come to Takendown, Kellnox and Andmatt requesting that we recruit one of your friends "for the fun of it" as they'll likely be declined.

We will be assessing your overall performance. At the end of each run, and if we're happy with what we've witnessed, you will get a message from either Takendown, Andmatt or Kellnox requesting your approval on whether you want to be a part of this guild or not. Of course, your choice is your choice. You don't have to be a part. It is up to you on whether you wish to be a part.


  • Please respect each and every Guild Member. Verbal violence, racism or racist jokes and bullying will NOT be tolerated.
  • When in Blast Network, PvP and the Guild Hall, please wear your Magic Hood as it is a symbol of Gyro Avengers.
  • To get promoted to a Member of the guild, a Magic Hood is required.

Note: You do NOT have to wear it as a Helmet in the Helmet slot. Wear the Magic Hood as a Costume Helmet. If, at the time of joining, you do NOT have a Magic Hood, we may be able to provide one for you.

  • Guild Members ranked "Member" or above have access to Guild Meetings, competitions and discussions.
  • Beggars are strictly prohibited. Any signs of beggary will result in you being ignored and excluded from Gyro Avengers.
  • Members who show absolute NO interest in Gyro Avengers will be removed. This is to ensure that we recruit members who actually want to be in the guild, and not to be in the guild only because they get to have "Gyro Avengers" on top of their name.
  • When in Blast Network with Guild Members, please stand in a line to show support for Gyro Avengers starting from left to right.
  • Guild Members will be kicked due to inactivity.
  • People who are anti-social will be kicked due to a lack of being able to communicate.

Gyro Avengers is a friendly social guild created by User(s) Takendown, Kellnox and Andmatt.

Gyro Avengers
GuildLogo-Gyro Avengers.png

Recruiting the worthiest of Knights who have proven themselves to be worthy in the Clockworks.

Guild Founder: Takendown, Kellnox, Andmatt
Approx. Population: 22

Guild Activities

As a Guild, we will be having various activities. These include:

  • Guild Raids - As a guild, we will be going on regular raids. This includes Lord Vanaduke, Snarbolax, Royal Jelly and The Roarmulus Twins. (Of course, you can always go on your own raid with players who aren't in Gyro Avengers.)
  • Guild Competitions - We will be holding competitions between fellow Guild Members which will range from winning Crystal Energy to in-game items.

~Item Retrieval Competitions – The main idea of this competition is: Host of the competition names an item. All of the participants run out and get them from either another player, the Clockworks, or the Auction House, then bring it back to the host. If you already have the item announced by the host, than you don’t need to go out and get it. The host has the option to stay in the Guild Hall or hide somewhere, and does NOT keep the item, unless the participant feels like letting him keep it.

~Trivia Competitions – The way to win this competition is to get the most points. You get points by answering questions asked by the host of the trivia. Simple!

~Roleplaying Competitions – The point of this competition is to imitate a member of the guild. The host gets to decide who has the best imitation, or it is put to a vote between all participants. You are not allowed to vote for yourself.

  • Guild Meetings - Guild Master(s): Takendown, Kellnox and Andmatt will host meetings that will take place at the Guildhall. Meetings will be about different subjects ranging from Spiral Knights game suggestions to Guild suggestions.
  • Guild Money-Making - We'll be going in-depth on successful ways of earning crowns in the Clockworks, all as a Guild. This can mean selling Materials that are bound to sell, to going on profitable raids.

Gyro Avengers Favourite Members

Here are Gyro Avenger's favourite members, accompanied by an explanation on why they are here.

Trollerizer - It is very sad to say that Trollerizer is no longer playing Spiral Knights. He has moved on. But I can say, he was a very great user. One of our favourites. He made us all cry. Of laughter. Much laughter. He will be missed.

Legendguy - Legendguy is here because he shows that he's commited to Gyro Avengers and is very happy to be here. He likes to help out a lot too. He's a great person to go on raids with too!

Kellnox - Kellnox is ONE of the funniest Guild Member GYRAV has ever come across. His hyperness and humor forever will be appreciated in GYRAV. If you haven't met Kellnox already, he's a great Guild Member to have. Always friendly, willing to help but will probably make you laugh in the process.

Kroknor - Kroknor is another hilarious Guild Member GYRAV is happy to have. He's always been friendly to people he's spoken to, and he plays his part in GYRAV very well. We couldn't be any more proud of him and other members in our Guild.

Andmatt - Hah! Andmatt. Another hilarious user. He's known to repeat the following emotes...ALL OF THE TIME! "O3O", "X3", ":P", "XD", ":/". Every other member laughs with Andmatt's expression of emotes.

Darkbladeofgod - What can we say about Darkblade eh? He's the type of person that's always up for talking, and he knows the right things to say too. His most common emote is "o.O" which is most pround as most people use "O_o" or "O.o". Darkblade completely defies the laws of emoticons and puts the smaller "o" first! As this Guild is a very comedic one, Darkblade does offer hilarious things to say in his arsenal of phrases and emotes!

Guild Game Suggestions

Below are some Spiral Knights game ideas that our guild has come up with.

Status Vial Super Vial Ultra Vial Description
Blind Item-Blind Vial.png Item-Super Blind Vial.png Item-Ultra Blind Vial.png A Blind Vial will blind the target, stopping it from attacking (and seeing you) making the target completely targetless.
Name Stats Abilities Rating Description
Item-Silkwing Raiment.pngSilkwing Raiment N/A Health Bonus: +8 ★★★★★ A Raiment inbued with Silkwing itself. This Raiment is bound to provide a warming health sensation.

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