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Revision as of 02:19, 11 May 2012


Let your Light Shine Bright as we Fight the Fight

Guild Founder: Ojlister
Approx. Population: 43

Guild Summary

  • Luminous is a guild of skilled players that are friendly and generous.
  • In Luminous, ranks are fairly easy to come by (you can see the ranking system below in Guild Members.) We also usually end up in long, drawn out conversations about anything and everything.
  • Luminous also does Shadow Lairs when the opportunity arises.
  • We also enjoy doing our own little minigames inside the Clockworks to mix up the common, everyday runs.

O.A.C. (Online Activity Check)

This is a system in place in order to maintain the guild activity level. Please read over the following bits of information and how it may or may not affect you.

  • There will be a review of guild member activity, as well as a purge of inactive members on the 1st of every month.
  • Anyone who has not logged in at least once within at least the last three weeks will be removed from the guild.
  • When you do log in, please try to be more active than simply logging on and logging off. If this is found to be the case consistently, you may be removed.
  • If there is any reason you will be unable to be active for a specific amount of time, please send me (Lechery) an in-game mail with details regarding your situation to avoid being removed.
  • Next activity check will be on May 1st.

What We're about

  • Killing Vanaduke- Because he thinks he's boss.
  • Killing Jelly King- So we can munch on him afterwards.
  • Killing Snarby- Because he snarls too much.
  • Killing The Twins- Because Gun Puppies are supposed to be small and cute.
  • KIlling Everything- Because it makes you money. Everybody likes money.
  • Defeating Enemy Players Though PVP.

Guild Members

  • Status: Accepting applications
  • Population: 44/100


  • Officer and GMs: You must be very well trusted, along with other factors that will be determined by existing Officers/GM's.
  • Veterans: 5-star gear as well as being a long time member. (i. e. upwards of 3 weeks in the guild.)
  • Members: A minimum of 24 hours spent in the guild.


  • We cannot remember everything so please send me (Ojlister) or Lechery a mail saying if you believe you are ready for a promotion, and we will review a few things and go from there.


How to Join

Luminous is a guild for skilled players, so ordinarily only people with Tier 3 clearance are able to join. In order to be considered, please message either Ojlister OR Lechery in-game. Whoever you send a mail to, please allow a 2-3 day waiting period. If no response is given within this time frame, please add a comment on the guild's forums page.

NOTE: As of now, asking about joining by going to Lechery is more viable, as Ojlister is occupied with life at the moment. This is subject to change, however; check back periodically to see if this has been altered.

Please include the following information, along with the 4 questions below:

  • 1. Gender
  • 2. Timezone
  • 3. Strongest Loadout
  • 4. Activity level (How active you are)

Main Questions

  • 1. What does Spiral Knights mean to you? What motivates you?
  • 2. What are your goals here at Spiral Knights?
  • 3. What does being a teammate/guildmate mean to you?

>>Remember to send these to Lechery at the moment<<

Guild Alliances

Aside from helping out our fellow guild members, we set up Guild Alliances. Here's how they work:

  • 1. We will help the guild with finding recipes at Basil in the Clockworks Terminals.
  • 2. We will do inter-guild runs together.
  • 3. We will plan Lockdown games, for easy guild PvP.


  • Ojlister

  • Yeepyjeepyjr

  • Lechery


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/LuminousSK/videos

Forums: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/34775

Screenshots and Fan-fare

Luminous- Hanging with Snarbi
Luminous- Portrait 4th of December
Luminous- Seasons Greetings and Merry Christmas!
Luminous- Successful Vanaduke Run
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