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| pop = 102
| pop = 119
| website = [http://z13.invisionfree.com/SK_Resistance/index.php?act=idx Offical Guild Website]
| website = [http://z13.invisionfree.com/SK_Resistance/index.php?act=idx Offical Guild Website]

Revision as of 18:43, 27 November 2012


"No crowns left behind!"

Guild Founder: Santy
Approx. Population: 119
Guild Master(s):
  • Santy
  • Jerko
  • Koneko
  • Shuichi

Website: Offical Guild Website

We are Resistance

We the Resistance, are a fun loving, laid back group. We're always looking for new, intresting members to join our humble guild. We don't have any types of requirements to join, so if you're a new player or an older player, we don't mind!

Types of runs we do...

There are all sorts of different ranked players in the guild! So there's plenty of help to go around! The types of runs we do are mostly; Snarbolax for those new players, Jelly King and Roarmolus Twins for those intermediate, and Lord Vanaduke for those looking for a challenge. Some other activities we do are Dauntless Delver, and Tier 2 or Tier 3 Arena runs. We LOVE those crowns! For Shadow Lair runs; since most of our members are new, we normally can't afford a Shadow Key... but, we'll never know when one will pop up! So keep your eyes peeled for a group!!

Things we do for fun...

There are many different things we do in Resistance. For instance; Trivias or Paper, Rock, Scissor; Spiral Knights style. Sometimes even Guild Lockdown (Tier 3), even if we lose all the time! Other guild events we have includes Tier 1 (one vs one) Lockdown: It's always fun to whack those other Guilds! Or from time to time, troll those who are begging in Haven, gotta love those trolls! If you're intrested in more fun stuff we do, check out our discussions tabat the top of the page for more fun stuff!

Guild Rules

  • 1) No Begging!

Like most other Guilds say, no one likes a beggar, so don't beg. Crowns, Energy, Armor, Weapons, Materials, etc., are easily obtainable in the game. So there is never a reason to ask for items. If one of our Officers catches you in the act, you will be given a first warning. If you are caught again, you will be removed from the guild.

  • 2) Be Active!

Being active in our guild is a must. Everyday, there are new knights entering our world of Cradle, and some of those knights are looking for a new Guild or new friends. We don't require you to log on everyday, though. Making an appearance once or twice a week is good enough for us. (We do guild filtering every 15th, and 30th of the month. If you are inactive between those time frames, we apologize beforehand. You may contact us via mail for a re-invite. Also, if you know you will be inactive for a long period of time, please send a message to one of our Guild Masters or Officers ahead of time, Thank You.)

  • 3) Have Fun!

Be respectful to one another, and keep the guild chat clean; not only that, but no harassing!

NOTE: There are other rules in the guild, but these are the three main rules that everyone must follow, for all the other rules, please ask your fellow guild mates!


We have the right to deny any type of promotion. Asking for a promotion will result in a 'No Promotion'. So keep your questions about promotions to yourself.

  • Recruit - Welcome to the guild, you lowly peon! If you don't like that greeting, you need to be active in order to be promoted to a higher-but-still-degrading rank! Get to work in those cranberry bogs! (Everyone starts out as a recruit when you enter the guild. Depending on how active you are, we will determine if you will be promoted to the Member rank.)
  • Member - Member rank is the most common rank, it only makes you 'another cog in the machine 'as some have put it, and basically nothing sets you apart from anyone else. Nothing particularly notable about this rank, but if you managed to get here, give yourself a pat on the back. (A position in the guild where there is really no power. You are given this rank to show that you are dedicated to our guild and work harder than those recruits!)
  • Veteran - You're working your way up, and you're now (most likely) a successful 5 star player decked out in some sexy garb, you handsome devil; which now means you're a big spender! Donate to our guild enough and have a spicy personality to get this rank. (This position is reserved for people who contribute to the group and pay rent. You will have access to design mode, Veteran Storage and the Mist Well. However, we expect you to pay a weekly fee of 24,000 crowns. This number will flucuate depending on the number of active renters. Note: Veteran Rank is not a step up to becoming an Officer.)
  • Officer - You've ventured through a lot of obstacles to get this far; you may have even died along the way, it's not easy being able to hold your own out there. No worries, your corpse will get promoted to officer in your stead. Be warned, if you ask for this rank at any point, you will get demoted down to a recruit and possibly be kicked from the guild. (You've done the grunt work and worked hard to reach it to the top. All Guildies who reach Officer Rank are awarded this position by working very hard in the guild. In doing so, they've proved to the Guild Masters that they're Great Teachers, Great Leaders, and most of all, Great Friends! Those with highest remarks reach this position in the guild. Be proud Officers!)
  • Guild Master - An impossible rank to attain, those of you that are ranks beneath this will always have a rank above you to look up to and say, "I'll NEVER, EVER be that rank, EVER." Perhaps some hope in your heart will give you the motivation to continue on though, in hopes that someday, you can achieve the greatness that we have. (We make the rules. If you don't like it, GET OUT!)

Guild Members

Guild Hall Renting and Mist Well Usage

As you all know already, the guild hall expansions have arrived, and with it, we can now decorate our home with chairs, plants, lights, and all sort of different things! But excited as we are, we also know that you recruits/members too wish to play with the new toys. So listen up and read carefully! These are the guidelines that we Officers and Guild Masters have brainstormed together to help you members get your own room!

  • Renting - Renting rooms entails a personal/shared space that you can customize and keep your stuff in. Rent will be 24,000 crowns per room, per week. If you can find a roommate (someone else in the guild who's interested in having a room), the cost will be shared. Doubles will pay 12,000 crowns each per week, and Triples will pay 8,000 crowns per week. We will not pay for your furniture. If you wish to decorate your room, you must pay for it yourself. (Deposit the correct amount of crowns, and ask for an Officer or Guild Master to purchase it for you.)
  • Non-Renting - Members who can not afford to pay weekly rent, may still purchase furniture but will not get a personal space. (Deposit the correct amount of crowns, and ask for an Officer or Guild Master to purchase it for you.) They can place their furniture in designated community areas (such as the alchemy room, or the auction house, or even in areas like the balconies at each wing in every floor.) These areas may be subject to change by other members so don't complain if you see your items moved.

  • Mist Well Usage - The Mist Well... More information will be posted on a later date.

Guild Achievements

There are many things to do in Spiral Knights. But sometimes doing the same thing over and over again can get boring. So from time to time, just to make things are more intresting, we at the Resistance like to make up little challenges. There are already challenges that Three Rings has created, but we at the Resistance bring it up a notch!

On Going Conversation

If there is something you wish to say to your fellow guild mates, this is the place to say it. Do keep it freindly, and please no spamming. Thank you!

Messages for the Guild Masters

This section here will give us Guild Masters and Officers a head up on those who will be inactive for some time and will be unable to log in. If you're going to be inactive for some time and can not contact us in game, simply leave a message here below, with your knight name, and a rough estimate on how long you'll be inactive for. [Please start all messages with a *]

Example: [Unknown-Knight] Inactive for 1 week, current date xx/xx/20xx

  • Sentinel-Zx inactive for ???, @ 11/21/12 Yea I'm going to be out for a while because of a reoccuring problem. My computer has the "blue screen of death" Again!!! So I have to type all of this on my phone. My computer is getting fixed today and I might have to get a new computer. I'll be back probably next week... Idk :/
  • Alright Sent. >< Best of luck!! (Happy Holidays too!)

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