Difference between revisions of "Ironheart (Guild)"

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(40px Current Plans for Guild Hall Expansion 40px)
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''' Warning Large Tables '''
''' Warning Large Tables '''
{{showhide|Snarbolax Statue Materials as of February 21, 2014 12:29 AM PST|content=
{{showhide|Snarbolax Statue Materials as of March 7, 2014 7:42 PM PST|content=
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Makoshin: I'd personally like to extend my thanks to Lagshooter, as he donates a large sum of Crowns periodically to allow all of this to happen.}}
Makoshin: I'd personally like to extend my thanks to Lagshooter, as he donates a large sum of Crowns periodically to allow all of this to happen.}}
{{showhide|March 7, 2014: Refreshment/Dining Hall/Room|content=Bought and placed all of the following in the 1F East Wing:
*3 Spiral Blue Compact Chairs (10,980*3=32,940)
*3 Spiral Red Compact Chairs (10,980*3=32,940)
*3 Spiral Blue Modular Tables (10,980*3=32,940)
*3 Spiral Red Modular Tables (10,980*3=32,940)
*2 Spiral Blue Supply Shelf (20,515*2=41,030)
*2 Toughboxes (10,980*2=21,960)
Total Cost: 194,750 Crowns
This addition is in lieu of creating a more decorated, favorable atmosphere in the Guild Hall.}}
==[[Image:Icon-social-mp.png|45px]] Members of the Guild ==
==[[Image:Icon-social-mp.png|45px]] Members of the Guild ==

Revision as of 03:42, 8 March 2014


Refine your heart to steel.

Guild Founder: Motheye
Approx. Population: 29
Guild Master(s):
  • Motheye
  • Artemetis
  • Saetorath
  • Makoshin
Guild Officer(s):
  • Solunaiku
  • Juudan
  • Lullzy

Active Authorities:

  • Makoshin (Guild Master)
  • Solunaiku (Senior Officer) (On extended leave)
  • Juudan (Junior Officer) (Currently on unknown extended leave)
  • Lullzy (Junior Officer)

Officers in the info box that aren't active have been removed from the box, but are still listed in the Guild Members List.

Icon-mail text.png Ways of contacting us

  • Through Spiral Knights:
    1. Whisper/Tell
    2. Adding as Friend
    3. Spiral Knights Mail System
    4. Entering our Guild Hall (if it's open to the public) and finding one of us.
  • Through actual E-Mail:


Check out the Guild Events section for the Guild Calendar and events!

The Guild Masters in the "Guild Master(s)" section of the Guild Info Box at the top of the page will be removed from that list; However, they are still in the Guild Members list.

Crafting-Book of Dark Rituals.pngThe History of Ironheart

Ironheart is a reborn guild with Makoshin leading the rebirth.

The guild was initially created by Artemetis and Motheye in ~2011.
At some point, Ironheart melted and recruits left. As for the actual reason, it is unknown.

As of 2013, Makoshin was invited by Saetorath as a friend, and eventually promoted to Guild Master. With the help of the officer Solunaiku, recruits have flooded in and have made Ironheart pumped with life.

Skill-Iron Heart Attack.png Goals and points of Ironheart Skill-Iron Heart Attack.png

The point of our Guild, in my opinion and view, is to progress in gear, skill, and knowledge to further enhance our enjoyment of the game. I see the challenge and overcoming said challenge as the main source of achievement and enjoyment. Our rank requirements reflect some of these ideals.

Beyond this, we are also a community that would also like to simply socialize, not only among each other, but also with other guilds and players.
In conjunction, we intend to promote punctuality, and being efficient in our time. Like knowing what to skip over when looking at this giant page of text.

- Makoshin

"Currently our main focus has been building up the gear and level of our [...] membership so that we can then efficiently earn surplus for guild purposes such as furnishings and increasing membership limits.
In other words, our guild is dedicated to general progression; once we build up ourselves, we will work on building up others [...]"

"[...] [We] want a large prosperous guild who generally get along well and play nice. Hence our focus is having fun (with each other).

- Lullzy quoted from a meeting.

Other authorities' opinions of the goals and points will be posted later.

Icon status stun.png Guild Events/Calendar Icon status stun.png

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.Arcade Race
9. 10. 11. 12.Tortodrone event ends 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.Royal Jelly Palace
Arcade Race
23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.Guild List
30. 31.

Arcade Race

The Guild Master will designate a starting and ending point, wherein he will oversee the progress of the players.

  • The participants must start at the starting point. If not, they will not be counted.
  • Given the "GO!" players are allowed to start their journey through the clockworks.
  • Parties are allowed, but the prize may be split among party members.
  • Warping to another depth is not allowed, and the party will be disqualified immediately.
  • The prize will vary depending on the type of race it is.
  • If any party members aside from the ones that are initially in the party join, your team will be disqualified.
    • In that case, put your party to locked/restricted to prevent this.

Some tips:

  • Prioritize what you're going to do: Rush to the gate as fast as possible or grab boxes?
    • Check what depth your competitors are on! If you're ahead, you can probably spare some time to grab a few things along the way or pickups to help later on.
  • Set up your equipment and loadouts ahead of time so you don't have to fiddle with menus as much.
  • Dying takes a significant amount of time, especially when using a spark.
    Manage your health!
    • Grabbing health and remedy capsules for damage and status tanking can be beneficial!
      • Examples:
        1. Bypassing spike traps safely with health capsules.
        2. Bypassing shock panels safely with remedy capsules.
    • Try not to use sparks, using them for a race where you get rewards that would not compensate is generally a bad idea.

Next weekly Arcade Race is on March 8, 12PM PST.

X Gate Race for Stratum 3 (Depth 9-12) and 4 (Depth 14-17)
Difficulty: Any
Participants needed: 3 parties of 1-4 players

1st Place
250 Energy and 2 of any Material of your choice.
2nd Place
100 Energy and 1 of any Material of your choice.
3rd Place
50 Energy and 1 of any Material of your choice.
4th-10th Place (if applicable)
2500 Crowns and 1 of any 4-star or lower Material of your choice.

Royal Jelly Palace Arcade Race for Stratum 3 (Depth 9-12) and 4 (Depth 14-17) on March 22. 12PM PST
This race starts from Moorcraft Manor (Depth 8) to Emberlight (Depth 18)

Difficulty: Any.
Parties are allowed, but the prize will be split among party members.

Participants required: 3 parties of 1-4 players.
If there are not enough participants, the race will be rescheduled to another date (preferably 1-2 weeks later) within 24 hours.

1st Place
500 Energy and 1 of the following:
  • 4 of any Material of your choice
  • 5,000 Crowns
  • Unbounded Advanced, or lower, Orb of Alchemy. If in a party of 3 or more, 2 Orbs will be supplied. As to who they go to, is up to your party.
2nd Place
250 Energy and 1 of the following:
  • 2 of any Material of your choice
  • 2,500 Crowns
3rd Place
100 Energy and 1 of the following:
  • 1 of any Material of your choice
  • 1,500 Crowns
4th-5th Place (if applicable)
25 Energy and 1 of the following:
  • 1 of any 4-star or lower Material of your choice.
  • 1,000 Crowns

The material of choice can NOT be event-exclusive or a Dark Ember.

Rules and Policies

Most rules are not laid in stone, or what other metal that you would like to engrave it on.

However, the following rules are generally enforced:

  • Be aware that most guild-related things are logged instantly in the Guild Record. Inquiries as to what is logged exactly is easily seen in the Guild hall's guild record.
    • Although the Guild chat is not archived, it is expected that everyone is to be mindful of what they are saying.
  • Be respectful and patient with one another.
  • Do not flood the Guild chat. If you are talking to another person when there is currently a lot of commotion, please privately talk to one another.
  • If you will be gone for an extended period of time, please notify the Guild Masters or Officers. Otherwise, you will be asked to explain once you log on.
  • There will be a guild list clearing on the Saturday of the last week of the month.
    If you wish to not be removed from the guild, please log on or notify any authority.
    If you are unable to log on to Spiral Knights, contact any of the authorities through outside sources.
    • People that will be removed are people that have not logged in within two weeks of that date, 8:00AM PST, or have not informed authorities of extended leave.
    • The next date is March 29, 2014.

The general idea is simple etiquette among your guild members, and other players.

Failure to follow these rules will result in demotion; or in extreme cases, kicked out.

Requests from the Guild Masters and Officers to the Guild members


  • We are currently expanding the Guild Hall. If you could, please donate to the Treasury. A suggested amount is 2500 Crowns weekly.
  • If you would like to apply for promotion, contact me and we will see/start.
  • If I am currently not on and have need to speak with me, contact with mail.

Have fun in the Clockworks!

Requests from Guild members to others

If you have requests, send mail to Makoshin so he can post requests here.

A Forum will be created later for this very purpose. In the mean time, this will be used instead.

Expansion-1F West Wing icon.png Current Plans for Guild Hall Expansion Expansion-1F East Wing icon.png

As our Guild is, in comparison, new, we have made a plan to make the Guild Hall more appealing. Suggestions are welcome.

Our current decision with expanding the guild hall is to:

  • Mock Armory and Storage Area. (Variable)
  • Decorate the hallways with certain furniture, such as potted plants and possibly Snipes. (Variable)
  • Finish off the 2nd Floor with the 2F Central War Room. (27,000)
  • Dedicate a room to be an Alchemy Room. (42,500)
  • Create 3F West Wing. (27,000)
  • Create 3F East Wing. (27,000)
  • Create Hunter's Lodge to start making trophies of accomplishment in the Guild Lobby. (475,000)

Total Crowns required, excluding variable amounts: 123,500 + Upfront Upkeep + 475,000 (Hunter's Lodge) + Variable Crowns.

Be aware that these are the plans if we are to make the amount of crowns for each part. Patience is key to meeting these.

If 30 guild members were to donate 2,500 Crowns weekly, that would be 75,000 Crowns. Enough to cover most of the goals above and at least 3 new furniture weekly when decorating.

If you would like to find out more about the prices, please consult the following:

Materials to save for furniture

Adding materials right now is not pertinent, but adding a little every once in awhile will make it easier once we come to that point.

Warning Large Tables

Guild Hall Changes

Icon-social-mp.png Members of the Guild

[Accurate as of March 7, 2014, 7:16 PM PST or UTC -8 Hours] In descending order of authority and seniority.

Meaning of the Ranks

Seniority is emphasized within the guild.

Recruits are generally our players that were just invited into the guild.
Other than that, this rank is generally used as a punishment for breaking the rules.

Members are, well, members that have been accepted into the guild and are the fledglings.
They will forge themselves into eventually becoming...

Veterans are players that are recognized to have built a foundation for their growth.
The Members will look up to the Veterans as role models and may ask them questions as to how they can refine their knowledge and skill.

Officers are people that are hand-picked by Senior Officers and Guild Masters to join their ranks to recruit and help forge the Guild's standing.
Players at this stage are to be taken seriously, but will respect underclassmen if they are mutually respected.

Guild Masters are the players that have nearly finished steeling their heart.
They maintain the highest authority within the guild and are willing to help all players, including those outside the guild, to serve as an ambassador of Ironheart.

Powers and Duties of the Ranks


None currently. Simply be yourself and be about your business and hang out with the Guild.


  • Ability to enter the Guild Hall Design Mode and move furniture around, provided a legitimate reason is given.

More to be later added.


In the event that a Guild Master is unable to enact his duties within a few days of when they should be done, assigned Officers will then take those duties on temporarily.

  • Ambassadors of the Guild.
  • Ability to purchase items in treasury. (May require permission from Guild Master)
  • Ability to invite and kick people.
  • Ability to promote and demote. (take seniority into account when promoting and demoting)
  • Attending Guild meetings.
  • Member of a Squad.

More to be later added.

Guild Master

All powers that Officers have, Guild Masters have, unless otherwise specified.

  • Documentation of:
    • Guild Treasury
    • Guild Members (Join dates, general combat style, etc.)
    • Guild Record
  • Updating Wiki Page:
    • Guild Member List & Population
    • Guild Hall
      • Plans
      • Materials saved for projects.
    • Changes that need to be made.
  • Attending Guild meetings and starting them.
  • Leader or Senior Member of a Squad.

More to be later added.

Requirements to rank up

Guild Masters and Officers will be issuing the promotions. These promotions will be conducted in several ways.
Combat proficiency, while a major part of the game, will not be taken into consideration more than other requirements.
You may need zoom in as the text may be small. (ctrl+mouse wheel scrolling or ctrl+ "+ or -")

If you would like to apply for promotion, contact a Guild Master or Officer.

There will be exceptions to these requirements.

Minor revisions to the Rank Requirements will be added.

Interesting Resources and Links

Icon-shield.pngShieldbearer Guide
A good read for anyone that wants to be more adept with the most diverse tool in your arsenal
Icon-bomb.pngBombing Guide
For any to-be bombers, this can be essential to knowing what bombs, armor, or even battle sprite is great for which situations or play style.
A mathematical/scientific study on how the defense points/bars from our armor actually work.

Albeit, Damage Reduction, as pointed out at the very beginning, is "Flat Damage Reduction" that scales depending on depth.

Please note that the wiki takes time to update the page, so please check daily whenever you can.

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