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Latest revision as of 09:42, 10 February 2015

Nexus Network
The 2014 logo

The 2014 logo

Founder Juvon
Launched January 2nd, 2014
Approximate Population (Jan 20th 2014) 17
Steam group http://steamcommunity.com/groups/NexusSteam


Hello and welcome to the wiki page of the Nexus Network.

The guild was originally launched by Thegamingx and Juvortus (Juvon now) back in July 2012, but ended a few months afterwards. As of January 2nd, Nexus Network is back with the same purpose, but now only with Juvon. We became allied with the guild The Halcyons Odyssey on January 4th. They will help making this guild grow and we will help them.

Nexus Network is a guild which reaches for active and social players. We play through the Clockworks, we do Coliseum games such as Lockdown and we hang out around Haven, having a good time.

The rules

  • Begging, scamming is not allowed.
  • Give respect and get respect in return.
  • Cursing is allowed to a minimum. Insulting is not allowed.
  • Use common sense.


  • Recruit: Your gear set is 0 stars or up, and you've just joined the guild.
  • Member: Your gear set is 2 stars or up, and you have been active in the guild for two weeks.
  • Veteran: Your gear set is 4 stars or up, and you have been active in the guild for a month.
  • Officer: To gain this title, you must send in an application. You may send applications once there's being asked for an officer and you will be eligible for this rank once you reach the Member rank.
  • Guild Master: As of now, only an exclusive rank and not achievable.
  • Events


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