Difference between revisions of "Of Draco Dusk (Guild)"

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Line 177: Line 177:
*When cr are taken from the bank, you are on a loan. You will not be charged interest, but you are expected to do NOTHING ELSE until you pay the loan back. This guild is based on trust and honor, which is why the bank will even work in the first place.
*When cr are taken from the bank, you are on a loan. You will not be charged interest, but you are expected to do NOTHING ELSE until you pay the loan back. This guild is based on trust and honor, which is why the bank will even work in the first place.
*Do not give anyone but the character "Of-Draco-Dusk-Bank" or "Novaster" crowns when making a bank deposit.  
*Do not give anyone but the character "Draco-Dusk-Vault" or "Novaster" crowns when making a bank deposit.  
Line 213: Line 213:
*Note: If the lottery is "bronze", you cannot buy silver or gold tickets, instead you buy two bronze tickets for 500cr each if you want to increase your chances.  
*Note: If the lottery is "bronze", you cannot buy silver or gold tickets, instead you buy two bronze tickets for 500cr each if you want to increase your chances.  
*Do not give anyone but the character "Of-Draco-Dusk-Lottery" or "Novaster" materials, cr, or CE when participating in the lottery.  
*Do not give anyone but the character "Of-Draco-Dusk-Vault" or "Novaster" materials, cr, or CE when participating in the lottery.  
*Receiving your prize: After the drawing, talk to the Guild Master.
*Receiving your prize: After the drawing, talk to the Guild Master.

Revision as of 18:54, 27 June 2012

Of Draco Dusk
GuildLogo-Of Draco Dusk.png

motto pending

Guild Founder: Novaster
Approx. Population: 13


Founded on 19 May 2012 19:20 EST.

<Of Draco Dusk> is a guild focused on developing spiral knights into proper players. This includes preparing knights for end-game missions, teaching the tricks of the game, maintaining a wealth of knowledge, and fostering a positive attitude. Any Tier is welcome. We like being in our dragon suits. :)

Core Rules

Be polite, be nice, no begging, and have fun.

Ranks and Members

Important Guild Information

Bank and Lottery


  • pending

Guild Stories

  • pending

Profile Photos

  • pending

Guild Photos

  • pending


  • Yamifox: "sleep is for mortals" Snarklefarf: "napping is for beasts"
  • Yamifox: "needs more salt"
  • Yamifox: "eh"
  • Novaster: "D:"

Guilds We Are Friendly With

  • This is agreed between GMs of of both guilds.
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