Spiral Up (Guild)

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This is Spiral up Guild. The best guild whit all players are allowed . The priorities are: 1. To be polite whit members 2. Don't ask for money 3. Don't promote,demote or remove whitout Aqaryo's consent 4. The hackers are not receive That's alls priorities. Is simple to promote: Recruits:1* up Members:2* up Veterans:3*up Officers:to put on guild treasury per total 5k cr Guild masters:to put on guild treasury per total 15k cr The guild festivities are in guildhall. Guild founder Aqaryo. Aproximative population 60. You can see any guildmasters have not got much time and remained so. Who don't add to guild treasury minn. 1500cr per week get's a kick.Who promote or demote whitout Aqaryo's consent get's a kick Thatt's all.

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