Ouroboros Templeto (Guild)

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Ouroboros Templeto
GuildLogo-Ouroboros Templeto.png

In hoc signo vinces! (In this sign you will conquer!)

Guild Founder: Vaneblood
Approx. Population: 178
Guild Master(s):
  • Vaneblood
  • Antiviolence
Guild Officer(s):
  • Sir-Rushington
  • Theedarknight
  • Cnahte
  • Cwehttam
  • ZxJorgexz
  • Mavalos-Metalero
  • Vindictev
  • Assasinshadow
  • Beasterz
  • Scrap-heep (lost brother)
  • Ezhno (R.I.P)

Ouroboros Templeto

[Spanish version - Version en español] [1]

About us

The name "Ouroboros Templeto" is based on a Mythology & Latin etymology, Ouroboros represents the eternal return (something that's constantly recreating itself). Ouroboros Templeto is an active guild, that concentrates in helping each other out in missions, Shadow Lair; sometimes in Lockdown, Blast Network and hanging out :D. We have all types of tier members and ranks. The guild was formed and created by Vaneblood the guild master; then antiviolence was admitted and promoted to guild master as well. Our first officer named Scrap-heep was mainly our next member until his mysterious disappearance after crimson tier 3 in which he became our lost brother XD.

In general we help each other out in the Clockworks , rank, prestige and other missions whenever possible. During some arcade missions we make recipe runs to gather recipes for guild members. We strategize about economical and financial issues in the Spiral knights world helping members gather information on how to purchase, sell and trade. Also we try to advice them on how to upgrade Armor, Weapons, Shield, Helmet, etc…

We give guild members the freedom to choose and don’t appreciate harassment or social pressures to do things that they don’t want to.

Mainly we like to have fun, socialize and play.

Guild Requirements & Rules


  • ALL TIERS ARE WELCOME. We accept everyone!
  • Must be active.
  • Must be friendly.
  • Most importantly, have a lot of fun, guys!!:D


  • We are a multicultural guild with members from all over the world. NO racism within the guild.
  • Be respectful to your guildmates. If you don't!!!! We can demote you!
  • No bullying, harassing, scamming or irritating other guildmates!
  • No stealing from guild members, mist well or storage.
  • No one can kick people out of the guild. Only guild masters can do this.
  • Storage weapons, materials or arsenal items can be withdrawn if you are in need of the item and will use it. Do not withdraw items to sell them and make a profit unless you are the original person who stored the item in the first place.
  • Withdrawing from the mist well is permitted if you donated mist into it. Do not withdraw if you haven’t made a donation. You are permitted to withdraw what you donated.
  • If you expect to be away from the game for a long period of time, please contact a GM or officer to let them know (otherwise you may be removed for inactivity).

Rank Management


Recruit - the initial ranking position when you become recruited. You are promoted to member when you have shown that you’re trustworthy and shown you care about the guild.
Member - You have been trusted to carry out objectives forming part of the guild itself. You will have access to the member storage and can donate arsenal things for other members to use.
☆☆☆☆☆ / ★☆☆☆☆ / ★★☆☆☆ / ★★★☆☆ / ★★★★☆ / ★★★★★
Veteran - You have proven yourself by helping other guild mates out and maintaining the guild. You must be at least 3 star.
★★★☆☆ / ★★★★☆ / ★★★★★
Officers - You have to be at least 4 star or higher in rank. Must have people skills and treat others with respect. You've shown you care about the guild by donating, helping other guildmates, advising them and clarifying their doubts.
★★★★☆ / ★★★★★
GM - Be loyal, be trustworthy, and with good leadership skills.
  • Promotions are made if you have proven yourself to be worthy XD. If you wish to be promoted you can talk with any guild master and explain any trouble or situation you have or send them mail. Don't ask for promotions if: (a)if your inactive, (b) haven't helped other guild members, (c) you haven't donated crowns to help maintain our guild, (d)if you don't follow the guild rules. Only Guild Masters can promote people to the rank of officer, if you have a concern or suggestion for a candidate to become officer, you must contact any guild master.

Guild Events


Officer's recruiting event [ORE]- An event only available for officers in which recruiting abilities are tested. This event only takes place when a membership expansion is bought, if we lack membership in the guild and its only applicable when a GM posts the event. Any officer that recruits the most people in a time frame of a month will have the chance to win a prize :D. Prizes may vary depending on the character, rank, and necessity of the officer. This event may last more than a month depending depending on the situation, membership limit and the GM objectives.

Monthly Events

Donor of the month event [DME]- Any guild member that donates the most crowns in a period of one month will become donor of the month. This means she/he will receive a guild prize from the GM. Prize will vary depending on rank, position and the necessities of the donor of the month. Any guild member applies :D

  • Any idea of future events, any suggestions, or concern can be said or mailed to any guild master. The guild masters will take any suggestion and examine it for any possible future event. Thanks XD.

News & Events


Logo Design Contest

Personal tools