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A random person. What were you expecting? About 2-3 pages worth of text about me? No.

GuildLogo-Echo of Silence.gif

Have a bell. This is me commemorating the death of Echo of Silence in a firey firework explosion.

Joined: Circa December 2011
Guild: Kleptomaniac
Achievements: 47/55


I don't really remember what I did from 2011-2012. What I do know is that I'm back and kicking. I missed so much. I hope OOO decides to shroud Haven in darkness and bring back the Apocreans in spring for the kicks. I'd love it.

Few more things about me and whatnot

  • I like the EDM genre in it's entirety, but my favourite subgenre is Drum & Bass.
  • I'm one of the most overzealous anti-bronies on the internet. Daresay mentioning the word "brony" is like speaking of the devil.
  • I'm probably the weakest yet the smartest SK player out there.
  • I like Homestuck, Neon Genesis Evangelion, This very game, Mario, Metroid, Pokemon and Zelda.
  • I like to listen to music to keep me calm.
  • I write stories. Viewing this page will allow you to get secret info and backstory details from me.
  • The name of my seraphynx means "comfort" in Latin.


  • Being friends with Magnus.
  • Obtaining 2/3 of the achievements.
  • Changing my opinion about bronies in 10 seconds. Seriously.
  • Flying a Spaceplane into Jool in Kerbal Space Program. Even if I did it with HyperEdit.
  • Improving my art skills.

Info about my stories

Warning: contains spoilers for my stories. Read them first before thinking of reading this plot info. Click here to see my section of the List of fan fiction to read my stories.

A suitable trope for this is All There In The Manual.

Under construction.

Finding me elsewhere

My community. You can join my community and play some nice music.


Under Construction.

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