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Guardian Knight Arkus

Guardian Knight Arkus was one of the finest warriors serving the Spiral Knights until some time shortly after the crash and one of the first to search for the Alpha Squad.


Arkus was a well know and highly ranked Guardian knight in the order. When the Skylark crashed, he was assigned to one of the several squads to look for the now missing Alpha Squad. However, his squad was mauled to death by a gang of Dust Zombies. Feeling guilty of their death and not living on to the Guardian's oath, he went solo, so no other knights have to suffer under his protection.

Recently, he has disappeared around Depth 25, and you are dispatched to find him.

After your party fights through a Devilish Drudgery and Candlestick Keep, you arrive in a sanctuary where Trojan statues litter the area. You locate a recon module by Arkus where he claims to hear wails of the knights he lost. He states that he feels at home here and refuses to return to either Haven or the order.When Arkus is finally seen, his color scheme has changed to a grim magenta, his armor to a grim black and grey, and his guardian banner replaced by a crystal similar to a Trojan.

He tries to persuade you and your party to leave him alone by renouncing his role in the order. You refuse and fight through more monsters until you finally reach Arkus.

By the time you and your party catch up to Arkus, he is losing his grip on sanity. The screams he had heard has turned into whispers and he mourns over the fact that everyone has left him. He then notes that all those close to him have perished and tells you and your party that they are about to suffer the same fate, engaging them in battle.

Arkus's attack patterns resemble to those of a normal spiral knight, with three-hit sword combos and a charge attack identical to (but larger in effect than) that of a troika line sword. During the battle, he is slain twice, yet he revives twice with energy blasts and each time the crystal on him starts to glow and emit energy. Each revival spawns greavers and shadowy balls of energy that orbit him. At the peak of his transformation, his sword emits red crystals that deal shadow damage. Upon being defeated a third time, Arkus collapses to the ground and all color fades from his eyes as he dies. He is the first and only named spiral knight in the game to die on-screen.




- Arkus' transformation into a trojan-like monster confirms that, as previously suspected, Trojans are some sort of corrupted form of a spiral knight.

- Unlike a normal trojan, Arkus can still be damaged on his front side. However, his defense is far higher on his front and therefore this is not generally a useful trait for the knights attacking him.

- As Arkus can only be fought in one stage and the stage type he is fought in is found nowhere else in Spiral Knights, he could arguably be considered the fifth clockworks boss in Spiral knights (the others being the Roarmulus Twins, the Royal Jelly, the Snarbolax, Vanaduke, and Schemer Razwog), not counting shadow lair or expansion bosses.

See Also

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