Houyhnhnm (Guild)

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Motto: "Try not to be a Yahoo."

Guild Founder: Karhea
Approx. Population: #
Guild Master(s):


  • No second at this time.
Guild Officer(s):

There will be up to seven

  • Officer1
  • Officer2
  • Officer3
  • Officer4
  • Officer5
  • Officer6
  • Officer7
Website: http://www.google.com (Coming soon)

Guild Origin

- Why did Karhea start this guild?

After watching how other guilds were run, Karhea saw that some are good and some are bad. Some only care how strong your weapons are, and some do not seem to care about anything at all. Karhea decided to start a guild where it does not matter how strong you are today, with time and help, anyone can grow stronger. Karhea saw that what does matter is how you treat other people, so that all players can have fun, and feel safe to make mistakes. Because only by taking risks that lead to mistakes are we challenging ourselves to get stronger. This guild is about making people stronger.

Guild Summary

- What is the purpose of the guild's existence?

This guild is predicated on the concept that its member will aspire to be, or to become, good quality players. A Good Quality Player, is something we expect ourselves, and our guild mates to work at.

The guild name, Houyhnhnm, is borrowed from the species encountered by Lemuel Gulliver in his travels. Gulliver learned much about the nature of man from the Houyhnhnm, and also learned that any man may aspire to greatness, and any man may fall. The Houyhnhnm are an ideal to be sought by all, but few if any will achieve.

The point, is we aspire to become greater than we are, but never forget our humble roots.

There is only one founding guild master, and that is Karhea. Karhea may appoint an acting guild master if he goes on extended leave, but he will always keep an eye on things. Nobody knows how he does it, but he does.

Karhea is too old to be bothered with all of it, so he expects each member of this guild is responsible for their actions, and to participate in self-regulating this guild. The rules are simple, if you take the time to understand them. Just try to be a human being, not a Yahoo.

- Who is in this guild?

Guild Members

- How do I get started?

- How people get promoted and how a knight is expected to conduct oneself within the guild.

Guild Rules You are expected to strive to behave like a human being. Follow what some people call, the golden rule, karma, reciprocity, etc. Basically, be honorable and kind. Here are some guidelines to help you understand what Karhea had in mind when he founded this guild.

Frequently used templates These lines are just here to give the WIKI editor a place to copy and paste common templates.

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