List of commonly used abbreviations
From SpiralKnights
This is a list of commonly used abbreviations that a player might encounter in the game or on the forums.
- CIC = Cold Iron Carver
- CIV = Cold Iron Vanquisher
- DVS = Dread Venom Striker
- DA = Divine Avenger
- GF = Gran Faust
- AP = Argent Peacemaker
- AoA = Ash of Agni
- VPS = Volcanic Plate Shield
- CE = crystal energy
- CR = crowns
- CTR = Charge Time Reduction
- IAS = Increased Attack Speed
- JK = Jelly King
- RJP = Royal Jelly Palace
- FSC = Firestorm Citadel
- mat(s) = crafting materials
- PST = please send tell
- UV = unique variant
- WTB = want to buy
- WTS = want to sell
- WTT = want to trade