Lord Vanaduke

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Lord Vanaduke menaces a helpless Spiral Knight.
Lord Vanaduke-Mugshot.png

Lord Vanaduke is the Duke of the Almirian Empire, a world fractured and strewn across the Clockworks. His flag can be seen in the Royal Jelly Palace, and the Scarlet Fortress. He resides in the Firestorm Citadel:Throne Room, deep down near the Core.

He is intensely hostile to intruders into his kingdom, and assume all are after him. When you first step on the party button, a dialogue box will appear, with Lord Vanaduke saying, "What's this? More wolves here for the blood of Almire?"

Note that while he is not actually undead, he is marked as one simply because of the fact that he 'died' according to the history of the Firestorm Citadel.

Warning/Known Issues

Vanaduke currently has two broken elements to his fight that can instantly damage you without any warning or time to prepare or react appropriately. These are the lava blocks spawning from falling debris, and Slag Guards abusing the camera angle. Lava blocks do not need to spawn exactly where debris has fallen, and if you're nearby, can spawn inside of you and keep you from moving at all if centered enough, even if reviving. Slag Guards, who only have a charging attack, can come up from the bottom of the screen and, due to their speed, hit the player in half a second of coming on screen. It is advised most players avoid fighting Vanaduke until these issues are patched.


Vanaduke has five stages, alternating from body stage, to mask/bullet stage. His body has a slight weakness to piercing, and is slightly resistant to everything else. His mask, however, is resistant to any damage type besides Normal. Vanaduke does not appear to belong to any monster family.

His first stage has two attacks. He will swing his mace overhead towards a player, which can cause fire and stun if it makes contact, and creates a mild quake that breaks overhead supports. Patches of ground will immediately light up to an orange hue at random, and debris will shortly hit those spots with a chance of causing fire and stun as well. He can also dash towards a player, and may immediately follow up with a mace. He summons four Slag Walkers to fight by his side, and will spawn more should all of them be killed.

After taking enough damage, he will retreat to the back of the room, fall to his knees, and hide his face as his mask detaches from his armor and begins to float around in a blaze while shooting bullets all around. Two giant red bullets will also orbit around his mask. His mask will be immune to damage, as well as constantly shoot bullets, as long as it's on fire. Using the waterballs provided, the player must temporarily "put out" Vanaduke's mask to be able to damage it. Waterballs can also destroy bullets, including the large, orbiting ones. His mask will re-ignite in five seconds, and the orbiting bullets will re-appear in time. After dealing enough damage to the mask, the mask will be put back on vanaduke's face, and the first phase will resume, except with 3 large orbiting bullets around vanaduke that can be doused with water orbs.

Once again, damage vanaduke until his mask comes off. this time, the mask will be shooting bullets at a much faster rate. At this point, it will be extremely hard to douse his mask due to the abundance of bullets. If u manage to get past this phase, vanaduke's mask will no longer exist.

Now lord vanaduke will have two waves of orbiting bullets. A gun is strongly recomended for this part, unless you have the patience to constantly douse the many orbs for a single hit. AT the same note, bullets can surpass the orbs either. i suppose it's your call. defeating him will result in the destruction of his slag walkers, as well as 1-5 almirian seals.

Video: Spiral Knights - Lord Vanaduke


Lord Vanaduke drops three to five Almirian Seals at his defeat.


Video: Spiral Knights - Vanaduke - Preview Event

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