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Normal abilities are shown in blue and unique variant abilities are shown in yellow with a star.

Various equipment will have added abilities beyond their stats. They are shown in small boxes in the equipment information under the stat bars.

Known Abilities

  • Attack speed decrease or increase; Might be weapon-specific on certain equipment
  • Chance of inflicting status effects (curse, fire, freeze, poison, shock, sleep, stun) - while generally directed toward monsters, some weapons can inflict status effects on the knight using the equipment. Additionally, a few weapons can only inflict the specific status effect with Charge attacks.
  • Charge time reduction - this can either be for the weapon itself or in a piece of gear, a reduction can be directed toward certain types of weapons (i.e. Bomb Charge Time Reduction)
  • Damage bonus vs. (construct, gremlin, fiend, beast, undead, slime)
  • Damage penalty vs. (construct, gremlin, fiend, beast, undead, slime)
  • Health bonus
  • Weapon-specific damage bonus
  • Movement speed decrease or increase


Abilities use only a descriptive word for rating. Unique variants and certain stats such as Attack Speed use these modifiers to determine bonuses given. Below is a list of ability ratings and the amount of "boosts" each descriptor gives.

Rating Total Boosts
Low 1
Medium 2
High 3
Very High 4
Ultra 5
Maximum! 6

Bonuses are additive: two Lows will equal Medium, and one Medium and High will combine to Ultra. Bonuses appear to cap at 6 (Maximum!). On armors and shields, unique variants can go up to a Maximum! (6) rating, although Ultra (5) cannot be obtained as a unique variant. For weapons, the highest unique variant obtainable is Very High (4), although coupled with other unique variants they may reach Maximum! (6)

All types of damage bonuses at a given rating give equivalent bonus to that type of damage. For example a "Sword Damage Bonus: Medium" does the same damage as "Damage Bonus vs Slimes: Medium" when attacking a jelly cube, with everything else equivalent. This means that the sword damage bonus is more useful because it applies to more enemies.

Damage Bonus vs <family>

Each tier of bonus adds an average of 7% extra damage against the said enemy family.[1] This bonus works on bosses.

Increased Attack Speed

Conclusions pending. Some testing information can be found here [2]

Charge Time Reduction

Each tier of bonus seems to add an average of 7.5% less charge time, based on the initial charge time of the weapon.[3]

Increased <status> Resistance

For self-inflicted curse, see curse. Further conclusions pending. Some testing information can be found here [4]

Increased <damage type> Resistance

Conclusions pending. Some testing information can be found here [5]

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