Many events and promotions feature "recolored" costumes and accessories. This page has a list of all these costume items, which have been mostly consistently recolored. This list is chronological by release for now, and might include oddities such as bombheads that are specifically recolors in the theme, despite not occurring for most promotions.
Available Recolored Costumes
Below are sections which contain images of recolored costumes in sets or approximate sets.
Hunter Costume Recolors
Costumes: Recolors of Helms and Armors: Hunter |
Surge Costume Recolors
- blah blah availability/dates
Costumes: Recolors of Helms and Armors: Surge |
Hallow Costume Recolors
- blah blah availability/dates
Costumes: Recolors of Helms and Armors: Hallow |