User talk:Williamsteve

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Revision as of 00:19, 11 September 2014 by Novaster (Talk | contribs)

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Thanks for your contributions! Be sure to add relevant image tags to your image uploads. Have fun! -Novaster 03:38, 22 August 2014 (UTC)

Sure buddy. I will check the link and will try to do it in a more correct way. Thank you so much for the enlightenment. :)
Ah, to add tags, simply edit the file's page as you would any other page and put the tag in that way, if the upload didn't have it in the first place. -Novaster 23:03, 27 August 2014 (UTC)
Thank you,I now know how to tag properly and upload in a more proper way. Thanks again! Nova
The tag you want for your recent uploads is "accessory image". Use existing tags from the tag list I linked for you. You can make more tags if there's a ton of images that qualify for a tag, so long as the tag isn't ultra-specific. -Novaster 02:34, 1 September 2014 (UTC)
Hi yes, I've changed it and currently I've uploaded wings of summer image with "Accessory image" but it failed then I've uploaded a newer version with "Unique armor back image" hopefully, I've chosen the right tags. Thank you Novaster, have a great day.
Just use the "accessory image" in brackets. There's no need for "unique blahblah" and so on in brackets, as these are not tags. "Tags" are a general thing editors put on images so images can be identified easily, in case pages are lost, the title convoluted, and so on - what's the point of this image? A tag will tell you. Again, check out this page for image tags. I've gone through and fixed the tags on your uploads so far - in the future ... in general, just use tags from this list. -Novaster 12:31, 5 September 2014 (UTC)

Oh Nova, sorry for the trouble.Lsat time,I put accessory image only and it didn't go through,so I put unique armor back or ...etc to make it go through.I will get into the details again and look more more carefully now. So sorry again. Thank you and have a great day.

Okay, you're using tags that exist at least. There's still a huge problem with your usage of tags. Only use a tag if the tag applies to the image, don't just slap tags on because other images seem to have those tags. Again, tags tell editors what an image is for. In this recent upload of yours, you used the "APNG" tag incorrectly. "APNG" means that the file is animated (for APNG, this is a bunch of frames that when put together play one after the other and the results look like a movie), AND it is in the "portable network graphics" family of file types - APNG stangs for "animated portable network graphics." The image you've uploaded is a single frame, so APNG tag does not apply to this image at all. Additionally, this is an accessory image, but you didn't add the "accessory image" tag to it. Again, the list I've linked to you will tell you what each tag is for. Please only use tags on images if the tag applies to the image. Just stick to "accessory image" if it's focused on an accessory, and so on. I've fixed this one for you again. -Novaster 23:57, 10 September 2014 (UTC)
Actually, why don't you take a break from uploading? I've been planning on making APNGs for the overworld images for a while, but animations can take a long time to make, so I've just not gotten around to them yet - and nobody else has either :P, due to their tendency to be tedious to make. This would mean replacing several static images (or images that are not animated) with animations, as mentioned in many show/hide sections under special tables. To quote directly: "If an image is animated, it will have a box on the page saying so. Editors might replace PNG with APNG (using the same file location), but this takes time and effort. Until then, use the text in the Notes column to help get a dynamic mental picture of the aura." - this means that most of the overworld pics you're uploading will eventually be replaced by a file that is animated, in order to best show the behavior of that accessory (since behavior isn't best portrayed with a single frame, after all). If you are capable of making APNG, then have at it - a large discussion about APNG can be found here on the forums. This is just something to keep in mind regarding uploads to the "Overworld" slot of the accessory images. Our plan is to eventually get all the images uploaded so that they look like the table on the Aura page - one inspect window image, and one animated overworld image per unique item. -Novaster 00:19, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
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