Lancer Knightz (Guild)/Officers

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This page explains the rules for being an Officer in the guild Lancer Knightz. It also explains the procedure for petitioning to be Officer, and gives a few recruiting tips.


The application is not supposed to be stressful. Mainly, it tests whether the applicant follows directions and understands the rules of the guild.

First, if you are not yet a member of the Lancer Knightz Steam group, then join this group by following the instructions here.

Second, if you already have a Promotion thread, from when you were promoted to Veteran, then just continue that thread. Otherwise, start a new discussion topic at the Steam group. The title of the discussion should be "Promotion: ", followed by your Spiral Knights name. For example, if your knight name is "Sugar-Bear", then the discussion should be titled "Promotion: Sugar-Bear".

In your Promotion thread's first post, answer the following questions. We are looking for truthful answers, not impressive answers. For example, if you've never beaten Vanaduke, that's okay — unless you claim that you have beaten Vanaduke. Your answers should be complete English sentences, with no text-message abbreviations or lingo. Allowances are made for non-native English speakers.

  1. Roughly how long have you been playing Spiral Knights?
  2. Which bosses, danger missions, and Shadow Lairs have you beaten? Which ones have you beaten solo?
  3. Roughly how long have you been in Lancer Knightz?
  4. As an Officer of a Spiral Knights guild, you have power over your lesser guildmates. But in Lancer Knightz we ask you not to use three of your powers. In your own words, which powers are you not supposed to use?


It is recommended that all Officers re-read the guild wiki page, to refresh their memories of the guild's policies. In particular, all Officers should master these detailed rules and guidelines for promotion:

  • Recruits: A continual trickle of new members is necessary, for our guild to survive, so please recruit! When you invite someone into the guild, send him an in-game mail message — not a /tell — explaining how to find this wiki page. Send this message at invitation, not at acceptance of the invitation, because he may not be online at the time of acceptance. This process is not hard, if you type the message once, store it on your computer (for example in Notepad or another text editor), and paste it as needed.
  • Members: Promote Recruits to Members as you deem appropriate. Our traditional guideline has always been that a Recruit is promoted on his second day in the guild.
  • Veterans: Promote Members to Veterans if they have fulfilled the application satisfactorily. The applicant must have followed the directions exactly. He must have given truthful (or at least not obviously mistruthful) answers. His answer to the "taking too many items and too much mist" question must indicate that he is not going to abuse our guild.
  • Officers: Do not promote Veterans to Officers. Promotion to Officer requires an application, which is reviewed by the Guild Masters collectively.

In addition to not promoting new Officers, Officers are asked not to use two of their other powers:

  • Do not remove people from the guild. The Guild Masters collectively keep track of those players who are going offline for more than one month but want to remain in the guild. If Officers were allowed to remove people from the guild, then there would be more people involved in this procedure, and more mistakes. Removals also happen occasionally for disciplinary reasons.
  • Do not demote people. Demotions are performed rarely, by the Guild Masters acting collectively, due to inactivity or offenses against the guild. An exception should perhaps be made if the Officer fears that a Veteran is about to plunder the mist well or guild store.


Our guild is neither elite nor elitist. We're about having fun, being casual, and being pleasant. So recruit anyone you like. There is no minimum skill requirement or equipment requirement. I've invited many 2-star people, for example. However, here are some suggestions. First, there are two high-quality pools that you can tap:

  • friends who are looking for new guilds
  • pleasant, solid, guildless people whom you meet in random parties

Of course, you can also try to recruit random people hanging out in Haven. That's a little less productive, because the people have no reason to listen to you. Don't recruit someone who's already in a guild, unless you know that he's looking for a new guild; that can be annoying.

Recruiting someone into a guild is a little like asking someone out on a date in real life. You want to appear interested, but not desperate (which you aren't, anyway). Your initial message could be like this:

Any interest in joining a guild, Smith? Ours is always recruiting. I can send you information if you like.

Notice that I've inserted the knight's name, "Smith". This takes a little extra effort, but it makes a big difference. If the knight is an advanced player, then you could alter your message accordingly:

If you're guildless at this advanced stage, then maybe you just don't want a guild. But if you do want one, then consider ours. I could send you information if you like.

Neither of these messages says anything about us. They both talk about the person being recruited (which is not a bad tactic). But if you want to say something about the guild, consider:

Interested in a guild? Ours is quite old, but casual and friendly. Let me know if you want more info.

If anyone asks for more information, then send them a mail message with the location of our wiki page. And offer to answer any questions. Be honest. If someone's looking for an elite Lockdown guild, then they probably won't be happy in our guild, so don't pretend that they will be.

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