Unicorns and Kitties (Guild)/Wishlist
From SpiralKnights
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You've found the Recipe Wishlist for honorary members of Unicorns and Kitties! Click here to go back.
Violators of the following rules will be penalized and in extreme cases banned from the guild:
- 1) Don't delete or modify other people's recipes.
- 2) Don't attempt to scam fellow guildies by selling recipes later in the AH.
- 3) Make sure you have the money to pay for a recipe--we will not give you a 'loan' for you to pay us back several weeks later.
Here is where you put the recipes you want, followed by your name. Append your wishlist items to the end of the list.
Graviton Vortex;
Gigawatt Pulsar --Souron
★★★☆☆ Fireburst Brandish -> Dustron