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Revision as of 22:57, 7 May 2011 by Kakelgis (Talk | contribs)

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Notes on names of things

There's an entry for "shadow fire". Is that the correct name? I've always just referred to it as lava. --Pauling 22:16, 7 May 2011 (UTC)

It's commonly referred as lava by most players, since that's what makes the most sense. However, the official name is "shadow fire" - In the Charred Court level of Firestorm Citadel, the Sprite NPC talks about it. It was listed as fire pits, and I thought that was pretty inaccurate, so I changed it. --Kakelgis 22:57, 7 May 2011 (UTC)

For use in page revamp:

  • force field
  • brambles
  • spikes

Poison Brambles

Are all brambles poisonous, and if not, how can we tell the difference? Seems silly to have two sections on it... Jlh0605 18:01, 11 April 2011 (UTC)

Nope, they're not all poisonous. The poisonous ones are found on poison levels and their little thorns look greenish; they inflict damage along with giving you a poisoned effect. Normal brambles just deal damage without a poison effect. --Equinox 22:59, 11 April 2011 (UTC)

Skeleton resurrecter?

A friend and I found this movable object in one of the undead levels (movable in the same way a key is) just about an hour ago that seems to have an AOE where, if you kill a skeleton (and possibly other monsters, though we only faced skeletons) in it, they would not drop items, and only "drop" a body part. If the body part stayed in the AOE of the object long enough for it to send out a purple pulse, it would get resurrected, indicated by a message of "Arise!" above it's head.

The object did not have any other purpose on the entire level as far as we could discover, and it's only function seemed to be the resurrection of monsters.

We did not test if it could resurrect players, as we accidentally killed the monster that was to kill one of us.

We tried to bring it into the elevator with us, but it did not follow us.

A screenshot of the object was not taken, as we simply forgot to.

Just thought I'd mention it.

Those are called Grim Totems. They only resurrect Zombies. Actually, they're on the Zombie page, too. Good point for bringing this up, though; I think they deserve a short mention under the Map Features section. Don't forget to sign your posts using ~~~~! Maget 21:40, 14 April 2011 (UTC)
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