Gun Puppy

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Construct Family
Icon Gate Icon-Construct.png
Damage Resistances
Defense elemental icon.png Defense piercing icon.png Defense shadow icon.png
Defense decreased.png Defense increased.png Defense none.png

Gun puppies are a type of monster found in the Clockworks.


Appearing harmless at first, these Gun Puppies will attack you if you attack them first or enter their line of sight. They can be devastating when multiple Gun Puppies are attacking you from all angles, despite being stationary.

There are variations between Gun Puppies between tiers. Tier 1 Gun Puppies will shoot one bullet at a time. Tier 2 Gun Puppies will shoot three bullets at once, and Tier 3 Gun Puppies will shoot a spread of five bullets. Higher tier Gun Puppies will shoot bullets at a slower rate than their lower tier counterparts.


Gun Puppy

Red Rover

Rocket Puppy

Sick Puppy


Slush Puppy

Notable Gun Puppies

Love Puppy

Gold Puppy


  • General notes
    • Most "Turrets" have a slow turning radius which can be used against them; attack them from behind with your sword, gunning it at a distance, or planting bombs at opposite ends of the puppy while outrunning its gaze.
    • Having a high elemental defense will give you the best chances of survival against puppies.
    • Gun puppies are sometimes unaware of the players' presence until they come close and attack, so if a Puppy hasn't noticed you, use the opportunity to unleash a charged attack on them.
    • Gun puppies are susceptable to getting staggered by weapons like any other enemy, which momentarily prevents them from firing. This is sometimes enough to pull off another lethal combo.
    • Like all other projectiles, Gun Puppy projectiles can be destroyed by thrown Vials.
  • Gun Puppy
    • Always shoots at least one shot in the direction of the player. They are quite predictable and easy to kill if alone; however, when multiple puppies appear, the sheer number of projectiles they can create makes them much more dangerous.
    • Tier 2 gun puppies fire a spread of 3 bullets at the same time, and Tier 3 puppies fire a 5 bullet spread from right to left; this can be particularly lethal in areas with multiple gun puppies.
    • Freeze will prevent turrets from rotating, and Shock will interrupt them while they aim making them shoot inaccurately.
  • Red Rover
    • Red Rovers deal less damage than their regular Gun Puppy counterparts.
    • Their flamethrowers have short to medium reach and can be interrupted by physical obstacles like Breakable blocks.
    • In Tier 3, Red Rover flamethrowers will curve toward knights within range of the flamethrower. It is advised to either stay out of range completely or stand behind the Red Rover while it is attacking.

  • Rocket Puppy
    • Rocket Puppies are among the most dangerous type of Gun Puppy, as they launch rockets which can not only deal large amounts of damage but also set Knights alight. In tiers 2 and 3, the Rockets also home in on a player. There are however ways around this;
      • Outrun the rocket until it eventually explodes
      • Try to lure the rocket into other monsters as alternate targets, including the Puppy that fired it
    • Rockets can be destroyed by certain damage sources. Swords (especially ones with a wide first swing) and Blast Bombs can be used with appropriate timing to prematurely detonate rockets. The best time to do so would be shortly after the rocket is fired, but before its homing kicks in. Due to the slow fire rate of the Rocket Puppy, this technique can be easily chained. Expanded Polaris shots can destroy rockets. It is unknown if this applies to its cousin, Supernova.
  • Love puppy
    • The rare Love Puppy's bullets heal knights that run into them by a single health point. As a result, it can be used as an infinite (albeit slow) method of healing during a battle and is usually best saved until last so the entire party can heal themselves using its bullets, especially if killing the Love Puppy triggers the next wave.


  • The Love Puppy can appear in place of any turret, this includes both Polyps and Howlitzers. As shown here.
Love Puppy on a Howlitzer Respawner in Heart of Ice
  • Slush Puppy is the only one monster that appears in Lockdown (besides Rock Jelly Cubes)
  • Gun Puppy series have been seen in every Boss Lair.

See Also

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