Morgral'm Dialogue/Heart of Ice

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The first screen cluster:

'Fiendish Memo'
Re: Resource allocation request, Amu-Sol

You are receiving this mail as a result of an incorrect/cryptic entry in your recent resource allocation request. Please provide a detailed summary of your projected use of the following requested rescources:
- 999 'Open minded' devilites
- 50 barrles of 'whatever frostifurs eat'
- A 'towering pillar' of everfrost and 'all the frozen souls it brings forth'
  • (Continue reading)
'Fiendish Memo'
Additionally, HR has requested an updated org chart as soon as possible. It is our understanding that all Pit Boss duties, administrative and otherwise, have been turned over to a 'Maulos of the Eternal Frost,', is that correct?

Assistant Supervisor of Resource Allocations,
  • (End reading)

The second screen cluster:

'Fiendish Memo'
Re: Re: Resource allocation request, Amu-Sol

Thank you for your prompt response. Unfortunately your resource allocation has been denied.

Provided summary of need for requested resources: 'All hail the great and terrifying Maulos, true lord of the Blinding Abyss.'
  • (Continue reading)
'Fiendish Memo'
Additionally, HR is still waiting on the requested updated org chart. Please note that 'All fall under the freezing corruption of the great Maulos' is not an acceptable description of current executive hierarchy.

Assistant Supervisor of Resource Allocations,
  • (End reading)

The third screen cluster:

'Fiendish Memo'
Re: Re: Re: Resource allocation request, Amu-Sol

I've contacted Internal Affairs regarding the recent theft of an everfrost pillar and the 'disappearance' of nearly 1,000 devilite data entry associates, as I believe it to be directly related to your recently denied resource allocation request.

Disciplinary action will be required. Additionally, please fill out the attached Personal Improvement Plan and return it as soon as possible.
  • (Continue reading)
'Fiendish Memo'
Lastly please instruct your division to cease using our mail system to inform other Undercorp divisions that 'The freezing corruption of lord Maulos is inescapable.' Improper use of the mail system hurts productivity.

As your division's disciplinary action will undoubtedly result in relocation to the Eternal Torment Division, this will likely be our final correspondence. I wish you luck in your continued career here at Undercorp.

Assistant Supervisor of Resource Allocations,

Attached: Amu-Sol.pip
  • Open attachment?
  • (End reading)

If the attachment is opened:

'Fiendish Memo'
The attachment is corrupted and cannot be opened.
  • (End reading)
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