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Revision as of 04:02, 18 September 2011 by Kazamh (Talk | contribs)

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Bomb Attack Speed

This page claims Guardian and Recon receive increased attack speed for bombs. That seems unlikely. --Antistone 00:25, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

--All information is gained from recent patch notes. Though it is rather odd, it is true. --Kazamh 02:30, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

I realize the text is copied directly from an official announcement, but that is not the same thing as true. I would appreciate it if someone could verify...and, if it is true, explain to me what on earth that actually means. --Antistone 04:31, 15 September 2011 (UTC)

Thank You All!!!

I really appreciate all this help with the page! It was really simple when I made it, and I could only update it so fast. I love the work that everyone has put into making this an informative, reliable, and all around nice looking page! Ty! Ty! Ty! --Kazamh 14:26, 16 September 2011 (UTC)

Class Ability Usage Limits

I thought I might try to verify some of this information before posting it on the main page, but I thought my initial observations might still be helpful:

  • There's a health bar at the top of the screen showing the charge remaining on your special ability
  • Striker Dash has about 2 seconds of use time, and seems to recharge fully and instantly after a couple seconds of non-use
  • Guardian Shield seems to follow the same recharge mechanics as a normal shield; you can use it forever if you don't take damage, it regenerates pretty quickly after a short period of not taking damage, but it gets broken for a while if the health is reduced to zero. I think the broken time is less than for a shield in PvE, though.
  • Haven't gotten a good look at Disruption Field's recharge yet

--Antistone 02:27, 18 September 2011 (UTC)

I appreciate you posting it in here, to confirm it before taking a crack at the main page.
Yes, the health bar does show remaining time on the ability. :P
3 Seconds actually.

--Kazamh 04:01, 18 September 2011 (UTC)

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