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This wikipage is pretty goddamn outdated. I'll get around to adding more significant stuff here later.
IGN is Biznasty, and I am the guild master of Guild. its me

Decrous, you shall be remembered. You still suck though.
Magnus is amazing. And a monster.

Thanks to Charoum, Mike, Cobalt and other cool fellas for the basic design and stuff on the Load-out section. They cool.

Steam Profile

Notes and crap

>The Undead/Fire locked T3 stratum on certain gates

It's Vanaduke, dummy!

>Vanaduke is not a fiend

I own a VS Fiend High Leviathan Blade, while Magnus uses a plain one. We deal the exact same damage on Vanaduke.

Vanaduke is not undead either, since CIV does not deal any additional damage. It's possible that he is somehow some other random race, although it's more likely that he simply has no race at all.

Jelly King on the other hand, is actually a slime. (Using a Vog Cub set and Fang of Vog, charges are 172 damage a hit. Using a Chroma set increases the damage to around 196 a hit)

>Spark Tokens

  • Forge Spark: Fire, Shock, Construct
  • Grim Spark: Poison, Undead, Fiend
  • Primal Spark: Freeze, Jelly, Beast

>Status Effect Resist Cap

A little over one full meter; Two pieces of five star armory and a medium resistance UV (as much as a 3-star armor would offer) would reach the cap.

In some cases, one full meter is enough to grant immunity to certain attacks. Most will require you to go past such, however.

Also to note: The maximum resist only grants immunity to certain 'weaker' status effect attacks. Certain mobs will be unable to inflict the status effect with normal attacks, (Zombies, Greavers, Gun Puppies, Lumbers, etc) however some stronger mobs or special attacks will still be able to. (Zombie's breath, Retrode, Devilites, Vanaduke's mace, elemental grates, etc)

Additional note: Resists are slightly less effective in Shadow Lairs, so immunity ends up not being possible for additional attacks, such as Howlitzer or Polyp's bullets. Yet to confirm this entirely, and what mobs/attacks it affects.

>Cold Iron Vanquisher vs. Leviathan Blade

This question comes up all the damn time. So here's some more concrete numbers. Depth 27, only damage bonuses were Fiend High on Leviathan and Undead High on CIV. Both weapons are at level 10.

Cold Iron Vanquisher:

  • Normal hit: 183
    • Normal combo finish: 234
    • Normal charge attack: 352
  • Undead hit: 224
    • Undead combo finish: 280
    • Undead charge attack: 413

Leviathan Blade:

  • Normal hit: 200
    • Normal combo finish: 254
    • Normal charge attack: 378
  • Fiend hit: 243
    • Fiend combo finish: 303
    • Fiend charge attack: 442

So yeah. The damage differences are pretty small - I'd say Leviathan is a bit better. You lose only a bit of damage on one specific race while dealing a bit more to all the other five.

But in general, the bonuses are not big enough to make an actual difference when killing normal monsters. CIV's basepower is also too low - A Leviathan with VS Undead Very High UV would deal as much as a CIV with a VS Undead High UV. (thus getting a Maximum)

And as a note, remember, this was on T3. The damage difference is even smaller on T2 or T1. (I think it'd be 10 damage difference rather than 20 on T2, and ~5 for T1)

Note: Outdated data.

>The Swarm

Swarm Seeds seem to take more damage to piercing, and seem to be resistant to shadow; They are not actually fiends, however.

Also to note is what weapons may deal more actual "damage" to the Swarm Seed's field; It seems weapons with more knockback are more effective at neutralizing the field than weapons that would actually deal more damage.

Void monsters: It seems some Void monsters are either bugged, or themed to be of a specific status; Void Zombies seem to be unable to deal freeze, however they cannot be frozen. Void Gel can cause strong (?) poison with their attacks; Unknown if they are vulnerable to poison. Other mobs do not seem to inflict any status effects, although they might be immune to specific status effects; Not tested yet.

Void Wolvers and Lumbers can only deal normal damage, for some reason. Zombies and Gels are still able to deal their specific damage types (shadow and piercing). As for damage weaknesses/resistances, all mobs except for Gels seem to be normal; Gels seem to not have any weaknesses, however their only resistance (piercing) isn't as effective as a common resistance. (~270 damage from Flourish is reduced to ~205 on Gels, although it is reduced to ~55 on Lumbers)

Additional notes: Void Zombies are unable to breath. Void Wolvers cannot teleport, although they can dash/dodge. Void Gels show a white aura rather than a yellow one in their attacks. Void Gremlins/Wolvers will still run away at low health, and Void Gremlins will still use pills at low health.



Major Achievements

First (?) (Tie between Magnus, Decrous and me) to obtain Fang of Vog. (Final Preview Event)

First (?) to obtain a Sealed Sword, and a Gran Faust. (also being the first five star ever) - Day 2/3 of Early Release, 2nd/3rd of April 2011

One of the first (?) four to unlock Tier 3. - Day 2 (or was it 3?) of Early Release, 2nd of April 2011

Was in the first (?) group to successfully defeat Vanaduke. - First day of Launch, 4th of April 2011

Second (?) to obtain Fang of Vog. - 14th of April 2011


Playing since 17th of January, 2011.

300+ Almirian Seals obtained. Full Ancient set & Fang of Vog. - who knows when. Probably sometime in the last week of April, 2011

50:04:25:29 Playtime as of 25th of October, 2011
~24 Days of Playtime on the Preview Event. (17th of January ~ 27th of March, 2011)

CE completely wasted: Probably almost 90K or something. Dear lord help me.
CE which I actually made good use of: Less than what I wasted

59/59 in-game achievements earned. (26th of June, 2011 for first 57 - Roarmulus and Firecracker achievements earned on July 4th or so)

11/11 in-game artifacts.

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