Fang of Vog

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Fang of Vog
Fang of Vog-Equipped.png
Damage type(s) and Attack Speed influence combat. The attack style of the weapon in relation to the combat environment is also important. Consider both when choosing weapons to wield.


Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details. Some enemies are immune to certain status conditions - see individual status pages for details.

Equipment-Fang of Vog Abilities.png

All weapons gain these CTR bonuses as they level.
  • Level 5+: CTR: Low
  • Level 10: CTR: Medium

The Fang of Vog is a 5-star sword.


A sword said to be created from the fang of the fire beast, Vog. — Tooltip


Equipment-Fang of Vog icon.png: Brinks - Always in stock for 40 Token-Almirian Seal.png Almirian Seals (bound)

Alchemy Path

Fang of Vog's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Fang of Vog
Fang of Vog


Basic Attack

A three strike combo. The 1st strike has normal reach, the 2nd strike has its reach extended by half a block, and the 3rd strike has its reach extended by a full block. Every damaging hit has a good chance of inflicting moderate fire.

Charge Attack

The knight takes a step forward and performs a 360° spin attack, which releases a ring of flame similar to a Firo Knight's charge attack. It has significant knockback and can hit up to 4 times under the right conditions. The attack has a good chance of causing strong fire, but also has a high chance of inflicting fire on the user.


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and are listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum.

 [hideFang of Vog's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Constructs and Undead
Hits 1 and 2 39 - 43 49 - 54 103 - 104 107 - 116 175 - 221 242 - 266
Hit 3 44 - 53 60 - 66 129 - 134 138 - 145 230 - 293 325 - 345
Charge Attack 66 - 82 95 - 105 195 - 205 218 - 235 356 - 454 506 - 565
Versus Slimes and Fiends
Hits 1 and 2 34 - 35 39 - 43 83 - 80 81 - 86 130 - 161 173 - 183
Hit 3 39 - 45 48 - 52 109 - 107 107 - 109 185 - 236 258 - 251
Charge Attack 61 - 74 83 - 90 175 - 179 187 - 198 331 - 397 440 - 483
Versus Beasts and Gremlins
Hits 1 and 2 21 - 22 25 - 28 52 53 - 57 84 - 105 114 - 123
Hit 3 23 - 28 30 - 33 67 68 - 70 115 - 147 162 - 163
Charge Attack 36 - 44 50 - 55 104 - 108 114 - 121 187 - 239 266 - 294

Icon status fire.png Fire damage (regular attacks):

 [hideFang of Vog's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Ice Cubes and Glop Drops
Fire (x5) 7 - 13 19 - 25 28 - 40 48 - 60 74 - 95 105 - 119
Total 35 - 65 95 - 125 140 - 200 240 - 300 370 - 475 525 - 595
Versus Zombies and Lichens
Fire (x5) 7 - 13 18 - 23 27 - 38 45 - 56 69 - 89 99 - 112
Total 35 - 65 90 - 115 135 - 190 225 - 280 345 - 445 495 - 560
Versus Lichen Colonies, Lumbers, Jellies, and Toxigels
Fire (x4) 6 - 10 15 - 19 22 - 31 37 - 47 57 - 74 82 - 93
Total 24 - 40 60 - 76 88 - 124 148 - 188 228 - 296 328 - 372
Versus Giant Lichen Colonies, Quicksilvers, Wolvers and other Constructs
Fire (x4) 5 - 9 13 - 16 19 - 26 31 - 39 48 - 62 68 - 77
Total 20 - 36 52 - 64 76 - 104 124 - 156 192 - 248 272 - 308
Versus Chromalisks and Mecha Knights
Fire (x3) 4 - 8 11 - 14 16 - 23 27 - 34 42 - 54 60 - 68
Total 12 - 24 33 - 42 48 - 69 81 - 102 126 - 162 180 - 204
Versus Fiends, Gremlins, and Kats
Fire (x3) 4 - 7 10 - 12 14 - 20 24 - 29 36 - 46 51 - 58
Total 12 - 21 30 - 36 42 - 60 72 - 87 108 - 138 153 - 174

Icon status fire.png Fire damage (charge attack):

 [hideFang of Vog's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Ice Cubes, Glop Drops, Zombies and Lichens
Fire (x5) 7 - 13 19 - 25 28 - 40 48 - 60 74 - 95 105 - 119
Total 35 - 65 95 - 125 140 - 200 240 - 300 370 - 475 525 - 595
Versus Lichen Colonies, Lumbers, Jellies, and Toxigels
Fire (x5) 7 - 12 17 - 23 26 - 36 44 - 54 67 - 86 95 - 108
Total 35 - 60 85 - 115 130 - 180 220 - 270 335 - 430 475 - 540
Versus Giant Lichen Colonies, Quicksilvers, Wolvers and other Constructs
Fire (x4) 6 - 10 14 - 19 21 - 30 36 - 45 55 - 71 78 - 89
Total 24 - 40 56 - 76 84 - 120 144 - 180 220 - 284 312 - 356
Versus Chromalisks and Mecha Knights
Fire (x4) 5 - 9 12 - 16 18 - 26 31 - 38 47 - 60 67 - 76
Total 20 - 36 48 - 64 72 - 104 124 - 152 188 - 240 268 - 304
Versus Fiends, Gremlins, and Kats
Fire (x3) 4 - 8 11 - 14 16 - 22 27 - 33 41 - 52 58 - 66
Total 12 - 24 33 - 42 48 - 66 81 - 99 123 - 156 174 - 198


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Basic Attack
(Animation - click to see)
Charge Attack
(Animation - click to see)
No news art for this item. Click to see more info about this image Click to see more info about this image
No official announcement for this item. Another tooltip view.
(Animation - click to see)
An inspect window view.


This item has been available since release 2011-04-04 when the game officially launched.

It used to drop from bosses in the Lionheart Gate during the Beta testing phase.

Little is known about the fiery deity Vog.

The Fang of Vog is part of the Vog gear. The items in this set include:

See Also

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