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Energy is a highly-efficient power source that is used by the Spiral Knights as well as almost every machine on Cradle.

In game terms, energy is an expendable resource that is used to explore the Clockworks. Most commonly, it can be used to power the elevators that connect the various floors of the Clockworks, but can also be used to power other objects in dungeons, such as vending machines or auto-turrets.


Shortly after the Spiral Knights landed upon Cradle, scouting teams reported an intense energy signal coming from the planet’s core, and now the Knights have been tasked with investigating in the hopes that this energy can be used to power their ship.

The Clockworks and nearly every machine the knights encounter run on energy, including their own power armor. All knight armor is equipped with a device that is able to constantly pull energy from the air; known as ‘mist,’ into their armor, allowing them to function and power up machinery they encounter. However, mist dissipates almost as quickly as it is acquired, and thus a knight’s mist energy can never be permanently stored.

However, the Strangers that run Haven have long been mining various parts of the Clockworks for pure, crystallized energy and like everything in their possession, it is for sale. This crystallized energy is much more stable and can last forever in a knights reserve tank, inside their armor.

Forms of Energy

Mist Energy

Due to the intense power source at Cradle's core, the entire planet's atmosphere is imbued with loose, airborne mist energy. Each Spiral Knight will constantly absorb this mist energy.

Crystal Energy

The Strangers operate an elaborate mining system in order to retrieve and harness the crystallized energy that occurs at great depths, beneath the planet's crust. The Spiral Knights themselves cannot collect crystal energy, but are able to purchase it from The Strangers.

In order to purchase crystal energy, simply click on your Energy Meter.

Uses of Energy

Energy is required to power elevators and revive yourself or party members in the clockworks, but it also has many other uses:

  • Crafting (alchemy)- costs vary by star level
  • Energy gates in the clockworks- 3 energy / gate
  • Danger zones in the clockworks- 3 energy/ gate
  • Activating mecha knights in deconstruction zone levels- 5 energy / knight
  • Activating stationary mecha turrets in some levels- 5 energy / turret

See Also

Personal tools