Category:Pages proposed for deletion
From SpiralKnights
This page is a category page. Please do not try to edit it to add entries. The correct way to add things to the page is to use a category tag. Please see the style guide for the appropriate category tags and how to use them. Some templates automatically add categories for you.
These pages have been proposed for deletion. See proposed deletions. Reasons for the deletion are shown on the pages below, or on their talk pages. Pages will be kept here for around a week before being deleted (assuming there is agreement that they should be deleted).
It goes without saying, but please don't delete the Template that lets people note that things are being proposed for deletion. :)
See also Category:Candidates for speedy deletion, Category:Potential copyright violations.
Pages in category "Pages proposed for deletion"
The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.