From SpiralKnights
Hi. I am good at gaming, I have a PS2, PSP, Xbox 360, and a Macintosh MacBook.
External Accomplishments: I have a collection of 50+ games. I have beat 19 games on PS2 and Xbox 360. I have been a high ranked guild member in 3 groups on different sites. I have reduced 30% of a PC's lag before. Someone followed me into a game asking for my stuff. I have been in 6 wars.
Spiral Knights:
IGN: Solo Play: TheGME [inactive] Guild: Steelplates [active] Guild Recruitment: Heatsource [inactive]
Statistics [Steelplates] Mission Rank: Squire Arcade: Tier 2 Equipment: Tier 2, Normal and Piercing Crowns: 3k Crystal Energy: 0 Guild: Rolldan Elevator Pass: Yes
Most recent contributions: Redirected "Admins" to "Game Master"
"Enemy" to "Monster"
Improved Grammar and fixed location links on "Howlitzer"
Fixed location links on "Retrode"
Fixed location links and added one on "Scuttlebot"
That's all! -GME