The Snarble Shadows (Guild)

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The Snarble Shadows
GuildLogo-The Snarble Shadows.Image1.jpg

"The cake is a lie." ~ Doug Rattmann

Guild Founder: Kiuj
Approx. Population: 11

Guild Officer(s):
  • Chibemo
  • Idkagoodname
  • Justifier

Guild Summary

This guild was made by its founder, Kiuj, and, as of now, we've only got eleven knights in the entire guild. We hope in growing this guild, and making it the best it can be by uniting together and facing what lies in the depths of the clockworks.

How to Join

Please find or message the guild master to join. We will not look for recruits, they look for us.


  • Respect to anyone inside, or outside, the guild
  • Knowledge of the clockworks (and some english)
  • One "Snarble" weapon (including any other item bought by Brinks with Frumious Fang tokens), or higher, will not be required, but is greatly appreciated
  • Playtime is something that is relaxed

Guild Registry

Any promotion (or demotion) will be made due the actions of the fellow knight. Promotions will be given, do not ask for them.


This is where we keep images our guildmates have created.

Snarble Shadows Poster 1.jpg

Snarbolax Plush.JPG Blast Poster.jpg

Well, heres a list of battle music for the guild.

Tsuna Awakens- Victory

Godzilla, King of the Monsters- Fury of the Snarbolax!

United We Stand, Divided We Fall- ATTACK!

See What I've Become- Final battle

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