Divine Light (Guild)

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Divine Light
File:GuildLogo-Divine Light.png

(To be updated)

Guild Founder: Bthor
Approx. Population: (To be updated)
Guild Master(s):
  • Bthor (1st in command)
Guild Officer(s):
  • Kinzoshi (2nd in command)

About us

We are a group of honorable knights who strongly believe in chivalry. We choose good over evil, truth over deception, peace over violence, love over hate, and light over darkness. We don't judge anyone by their strength, but rather by their character. All knights, new and old, who share our values, are welcome to join our guild. Younger knights can develop their skills in a positive environment where they will receive the wisdom and support of their seniors. Older knights can continue working on their projects alongside their fellow like minded divine light knights.

Joining us

One must meet certain criteria before they can enter the evaluation process. The following three qualities best summurize said qualifications.

1. Being aligned with light over darkness. e.g. Ones name has no dark elements. (The-Dark-Knight) < (The-Cool-Knight) < (The-Light-Knight).

2. Showing a genuine interest in the guild. e.g. One cares to inquire about the guilds cause, rather than joining only because one is guild less.

3. Having an unquestionable sense of chivalry. e.g. One is honorable, selfless, generous, forgiving, and understanding. A true & honest knight.

Finding us

One must be invited into the guild by either the guild master, or the 2nd in command officer. Both officials, on average, can be found online from 8:00 pm - 12:00 pm PST. From 9:00 pm - 1:00 am MST. From 10:00 pm - 2:00 am CST. From 11:00 pm - 3:00 am EST. (U.S. Times). If you believe you are a suitable candidate, then feel free to mail either the 1st or 2nd in command. Someone will test you.

General Rules

Of course, like any other guild, we have rules that every member must obey within reason. They're easy to follow. We've managed to summurized them into four, primary, easy to remember statements.

1. No knight is allowed to display dark themed armor, unless, they are willing to cover it up with a costume that isn't dark themed. Otherwise, you don't represent the guild well. Dark weapons are allowed.

2. No knight is allowed to pester another. This includes, begging, stalking, and generally being annoying. Its unchivalrous, and we, as the divine light knights, are above such petty means of entertainment.

3. No knight is allowed to perform any type of meanspirited act toward another knight. This includes, tricking someone out of their crowns and or energy, giving someone false information and name calling.

4. All knights are required to, within reason, obey orders given to them by any authority wielding guild official. No knight will ever be ordered to surrender any of their belongings, or, to spend any CR or CE.

Guild Members

Guild Ranking
  • Recruit
  • Member
  • Veteran
  • Officer
  • Master
  • Knights with this rank have to pass an evaluation of activeness. If they pass, they will automatically be promoted.
  • Knights with this rank have proven their commitment to the guild, and have earned their place as a normal member.
  • Knights with this rank have shown exceptional patriotism for the guild, and have therefore, earned their final promotion.
  • Knights with this rank have been deemed trustworthy by the guild master himself, to assist him in enforcing guild policies.
  • He who holds this position is the very core of the guild. He alone wields supreme authority and control over all guild operations.
  • There can only be 1 guild master and 3 guild officers. These positions are not common ranks. They are used to identify knights who have the authority to enforce policies. They are the elite 4 members.

Misc References




Expert Guide...

Visual Guide...

Monster Type Damage Type Weak To Neutral To Strongly Resistant To
Gate Icon-Slime.png Slime Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Beast.png Beast Family Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Gremlin Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental
Gate Icon-Construct.png Construct Family Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing
Gate Icon-Fiend.png Fiend Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack shadow icon.png Shadow
Gate Icon-Undead.png Undead Family Attack shadow icon.png Shadow Attack elemental icon.png Elemental Attack piercing icon.png Piercing Attack shadow icon.png Shadow
Stratum Themes
Gate Icon-Beast.png
Gate Icon-Construct.png
Gate Icon-Fiend.png
Gate Icon-Fire.png
Gate Icon-Freeze.png
Gate Icon-Gremlin.png
Gate Icon-Poison.png
Gate Icon-Shock.png
Gate Icon-Slime.png
Gate Icon-Undead.png

Guild Screenshots

(To be updated)

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