Aeonia (Guild)

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From The Beginning To The End, Shall We Go!

Guild Founder: Wookr, ShinkaisenStelar
Approx. Population: 5
Guild Master(s):
  • Wookr
  • ShinkaisenStelar
Guild Officer(s):

(We do not have any officers yet)

Guild Summary

We were made by a duo that have been friends throughout games. The duo known as Wookr and ShinkaisenStelar (also know as SyncStelar) named the guild Aeonia derived from the word Aeon which means Life and Eternity. Hard work and sweat have been put into creating the guild and we bring good news to the newbies. The name was first used in a server in Minecraft where there was a Faction Plugin.


We are currently inviting any players. But we have to see you play several times with us before invitation. Currently, we only invite active, sociable and possibly quality. If you want to request for to join the guild, please refer to the guildmaster or officers. We will then go with you into a mission to see your skills. If we have seen you in any missions before and performed good quality, we will give good consideration to inviting you into the guild.


We usually go and practice in missions like Shadow Of the Beast (Since we're not that strong yet). PvP maps are also famous among the members. Since the guild is newly made, so we do not have much activities going on yet.

Guild Rules

  • 1.Do not partake in any activity in-game that might bring our guild name into disrepute. Such activities include scamming, spamming, trolling, bullying, harassing or otherwise irritating other players (note sending numerous unsolicited trade-requests also counts in this category).
  • 2.Be polite in guild chat – and remember that some of our members are under 18 years of age (i.e some topics of conversation may be inappropriate - use common sense here). Also, under no circumstances must any guild member harass/bully/troll other guild members. The decision of a GM must be followed, i.e. you might not feel you are harassing someone, but if a GM asked you to desist you must do so without argument.
  • 3.Although we encourage our members to help one-another in game, do not expect as a given that you will automatically be provided with items, ce, crowns or time from other guild members – It is entirely at each individual member's discretion whether or not to give these things. As a general rule-of-thumb, the more you put in to the guild, the more others begin to recognize your efforts and are willing to help you when needed.
  • 4.Do not harass other guild members for invites while they are on runs – One request is enough, more than this can be off-putting. If you receive a reply from a player stating that they do not wish to invite you to their party, do not then proceed to then say, "please/pl0x/plz/pls" or any other derivative; ask "Why?"; start giving reasons for why you feel you should be invited, e.g. "I am really good at [Stratum theme/Boss name]" or, "I just need another 2K crowns to buy this new weapon". Just take the answer as "No" and respect your guildmate's wishes.
  • 5.When on a run or PvP, do not repeatedly invite other guild members. One invite is enough. More than this is considered spamming. In a similar vein to rule 4, if a guild member does not join from your invite, you must accept the fact and move on without harassing them.
  • 6.If you expect to be away from the game for any extended period of time, you must contact a GM or officer to let them know (otherwise you may be removed from the guild for inactivity).

Guild Ranks

  • Recruit: These are players who have been recently recruited into the guild on a probationary trial basis. (You have a high chance of being kicked out if you do not follow the rules and all rank types will be placed into recruits if recieved enough complains on the specific player and investigation will decide whether kicked out or repromoted back)
  • Member: These are players who have been recruits for some time and have shown themselves in the opinion of the GM's and Officer(s) to: (a) be an active player (b) regularly and frequently take part in guild chat, (c) follow guild rules and (d) have displayed willingness to participate in guild activities and to help in the development of the guild and/or its members.
  • Veteran: This position is reserved for very long standing members of the guild. Veterans will be experienced and highly knowledgeable about the game, reliable and suitable role-models for members and recruits.
  • Officer: Due to the fact that any member can recruit players to the guild, an officer of Aeonia is considered to be an extremely active, knowledgeable, diligent and helpful guild member. They will (in addition to meeting the requirements of member and veteran positions) have made outstanding efforts to contribute both strategically and materially to the guild and development of guild members. GMs will elect officers as deemed appropriate and when positions become available (i.e. it does not follow that every member will eventually become an officer). Officers should be considered akin in standing to GMs in terms of seniority.
  • Guild Master: The guild masters (GM's) are the original founders of Aeonia. There are only two people involved as GMs which is Wookr and ShinkaisenStelar. (We will only consider having another GM if: a) One GM is inactive. b) One GM left the guild c) More than 90% of the guild wants a new GM d) A meeting have been made to have more than 2 GMs.


These are the following recipes that can be made by the people in the guild and you may request them to create it for you for a price they have set. (1*/2* gears are often cheaper in the auction house).

ShinkaisenStelar's Recipes
Icon-sword.pngSwords Icon-handgun.png Handguns Icon-helmet.png Helmets Icon-armor.png Armors Icon-shield.png Shields
Flourish Flourish
Hot Edge Hot Edge
Autogun Autogun
Cyrotech Alchemer Cyrotech Alchemer
Frost Gun Frost Gun
Needle Shot Needle Shot
Prismatech Alchemer Prismatech Alchemer
Shadowtech Alchemer Shadowtech Alchemer
Voltech Alchemer Voltech Alchemer
Emberbreak Helm Emberbreak Helm
Gunslinger Hat Gunslinger Hat
Wolver Cap Wolver Cap
Emberbreak Armor Emberbreak Armor
Gunslinger Sash Gunslinger Sash
Wolver Coat Wolver Coat
EmberBreak Shield EmberBreak Shield
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