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Last Update

10/03/2014: changed my knights image

01/05/2013: decided to take a long break from Spiral Knights

24/04/2013: changed image of ingame knight

24/04/2013: changed items arsenal section and loadout section

30/11/2012: changed image of ingame knight

13/10/2012: added Voltedge UV CTR Medium

17/06/2012: removed section "For Sale" and added new section "Weapon Shop"

16/06/2012: added new section "For Sale".

06/04/2012: added new section "The daily Arcknewz". Changed "About my guild" to "Current guild"

06/04/2012: added link to Order of Aether guild page. Added "Helpfull hints and tips"

02/04/2012: added UV to final flourish

31/03/2012: fixed spelling errors. added acheron to swords list. added UV to snarby cap

About myself

Started playing late August 2011. Joined my first guild called League of Hell, becoming GM and took charge for over 8 months. After which I left to make a new guild with my brother, Order Of Valor. During the time i have played i have picked up some very handy tips and tricks, that have improved my gameplay, and make it much easier to solo runs.

I dont take this game seriously and only play casually especially now that i have everything i need. Over the months of playing i have enjoyed every part of this game more than I can say for any other game out there. Most of my time is spent doing "The King of Ashes" rank mission with guild members and friends. You can also see me idling around in random Havens from time to time, selling, buying or just generally browsing the Auction House for "stuff" to waste my crowns on.

I would like to finish on thanking the amazing team who put together one incredible game, and long may they continue to turn this relatively new game into something bigger than it already is.

Current guild

Order Of Valor

GuildLogo-Order of Valor.png

The Arcknewz

02/12/2012 Prediction was right, the guild hall update was a success and many old members have come back. Guild is very active in the evening times now when people are back home from work and school. Order of Valor is once again a place where greatness flourishes.

14/10/2012 With the help of newly promoted guild members and current guild masters Order of Valor has been reborn. Guild is much more active, but there is still alot of work to be done. Waiting on the upcoming guild hall update. Maybe then can we slowly start to rebuild.

29/09/2012 I'm back. But looks like alot of people in guild haven't logged on for some time. Guild has become very inactive, changes have to be made....

29/08/2012 Taking a short break from the game. looking to be back end of september, start of october roughly. havent decided yet. Anyways take care.

10/05/2012 Both my user page and Order of Valor wiki page were unfortunately deleted by in game players. Thankfully due to the kindness of 000 and thier staff, in particular Eurydice and Coriolis, both have been restored back. Thanks :D

11/04/2012 The Guild Wiki page is complete, in terms of structure and layout. Obviously the page is never finished, its called a "wiki" for a reason. I would also like to give a big thanks to everyone who has accepted the invites to join Order of Valor. We may be a new guild but beleive me we are growing.

07/04/2012 I have made a new guild, Order of Valor. Some of the former members of League of Hell and Order of Aether have joined me. Invites have been sent to all members who have made the swtich from League of Hell to Order of Aether. Thankyou to all those who have made the switch again.

06/04/2012 As of now all former League of Hell members who joined me into Order of Aether are now disabandoned. I appolagise to those who have stood by me. But untill I decide on what to do next, keep an eye out on this section of my page. I will keep updating when ever I feel the need to do so. Thankyou all.

Helpful hints and tips


  • Defeated Snarbolax boss (including solo)
  • Defeated Jelly King boss (including solo)
  • Defeated Roarmulus Twins (hold record of fastest time) (including solo)
  • Defeated Vanaduke boss (including full proto armour and shield, but using fully heated five star weapons, no deaths) (inculding solo)
  • Defeated Rabid Snarbolax boss Shadow Lair
  • Defeated Red Roarmulus Twins Shadow Lair
  • Defeated Ice Jelly Queen Shadow Lair
  • Defeated Warmaster Seerus boss (including solo)
  • Completed all rank missions to date
  • 100% completion of all achievements ingame
  • Completed all Prestige Danger Missions to date
  • Completed rank mission "The Gauntlet" solo
  • To be part of one of the best guilds Spiral Knights has to offer


Arcknight's Shop

Please visit my ARK's SHOP and see if you are interested in anything that I have for sale.



Give Thanks To

kenny-knights, cobalt, magnus for codes to make this user page.

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