File talk:Crest of Almire-Equipped.png

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Revision as of 16:21, 26 March 2011 by Pauling (Talk | contribs)

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How do we know that it's the Crest of Almite and not some other unobtainable shield, like the Shining Ward? (I *think* that's the name a dev provided previously...) --Pauling 04:06, 26 March 2011 (UTC)

The Shining Ward is the white one that Boswick used to wear. --Shoebox 06:26, 26 March 2011 (UTC)

Because I'll come by here and comment that it is a Crest of Almire.  :) --Equinox 14:32, 26 March 2011 (UTC)
Thanks! Incidentally, then, I may have also located a Blackened Crest image on the [media] page of the site. In the sidebar of screenshots, check the ice arena screenshot on the bottom row, left panel. Can someone confirm and extract this for the wiki? --Pauling 16:21, 26 March 2011 (UTC)

(first time editing etc these) How do we know the stats, if we weren't even sure if it was Crest of Almire? --Samuraii

There's a recipe available for Crest of Almire and that shows the stats. --Equinox 15:36, 26 March 2011 (UTC)
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