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How i look like!


Also known as: Annevdw
Motto: Do not trust everyone you know. Sometimes being alone is better than together. But do not forget, often, united will prevail
Guild:The Anonymous
Rank: Defender Elite
Status: Active

Hello Spiral Knights!

I am a Spiral Knight named Ciardha, who used to be known as Annevdw. I wander this world in search for a energy source to leave the planet. I prefer to work alone, but united you are stronger.

I am a member of the guild The Anonymous and i really enjoy it here. Having friends to help you out is a great feeling, after all. I use to be in different guilds as well: Elegance, and Love Tiramisu.

My history

How i look like without a costume

You can say i am a bit different than the rest, but i don't mind. You see, I say i am a Spiral Knight, but that's not entirely true. I am a created werewolf. I was created so my creator, Rayorth, could have a family again with his daughter. his wife got assasinated by empire knights a month after their daughters birth. He thought by creating me, they would find peace again.

Unfortunately, things didn't end so well. We lived in the Firestorm Citadel, before it got damaged like how it is now. The almire knights there managed to find us, so Rayorth, in a attempt to safe me, dropped me into the Gloaming Wildwoods in hopes i would be protected. Because i was still a child, i didn't knew who my parents were when i got there. In fact, the very first thing i remember is waking up in the forest.

So, me, not knowing who i was or why i was there, continued living my life. I knew a lot of different things, and i enjoyed life there. there was plenty of food too. But something peculiar happend.

You see, a long time ago, a spaceship called the Skylark crashed onto this world, known as Cradle, and thus the Spiral Knights came to existence. I saw it happen, in my own eyes. I didn't mind much, all i thought about was food and ways to survive.

Generations have passed since, and I have grown too. Now, i try to make Cradle a better place to live on. My wish is that the Spiral Knights and Gremlins can live in harmony.

My best friends

My best friend Luna

My best friend by far has to be Luna. We met each other before Skylark crashed onto Cradle. A long time ago, back when i still lived in the Gloaming Wildwoods, i lived in a cave covered by veins in harmony. But gremlins attacked the place, burning a lot of it to the ground.

Luna was one of the creatures that faught them and he killed a reasonable amount as well. As you can imagine, he was the one who helped me survive the attack. I owe my life to him. I hope that one day i can return the favor. This wasn't the only time that he saved me.

A other great friend of mine is Gordon-Freemany. When i first started Spiral Knights, somewhere in march 2013, Gordon-Freemany was the very first person i met in the game. And we were hooked ever since. We had so much fun playing together; making jokes, planning out strategies and in general having fun. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have stayed in the game. I still miss him very dearly, Because the last time he played was in 2014. This doesn't mean we were very close together, if you get what i mean. We were just great friends, and I'll never forget him.

Something spectacular that happend!

game master Aphrodite

I saw Aphrodite, a guild master! I cannot believe my eyes! I wasn't even supposed to be online that day, I was just bored and someone talked to me to join really quickly. But i am so happy that i did! The screenshot is mainly there for proof. For those who wonder, this screenshot was taken on 26 oktober 2014. This also explains why it is darker than usual in Haven; The halloween event was active at the time.

Spiral Knights based drawings i made

See Also

Thanks for spending your time reading this. May you have a good time in Cradle.


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