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Revision as of 01:59, 19 August 2012 by SKRUZO (Talk | contribs)

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SKRUZO Wings Out.jpg
Name: Skruzo
Title: Guardian Of Winter
Guild: Exalt
Playstyle: Hybrid Swordsman


When The door of Skruzo's escape pod flew open, It was love at fist sight. Skruzo found his way to the rescue camp where he was dared by the other knights to cross the chasm to haven. He rounded up some of his friends and began a journey which would test his skill, and his steel. After making it to the haven, a brave knight by the name Shermvendor helped him get to stable ground, giving him some starting gear, and there was no stopping him from there. After finaly braving the Red flames of firestorm citadel, Skruzo met Zeeca, a daring and powerful knight who offered him a spot in the guild, Exalt. When he joined, Skruzo found his place in the Spiral knights community. The Members of Exalt welcomed him with open arms, and helped him get his bearings. Skruzo Enjoys Firestorm Citadel runs, along with any others, and loves to help out new players, we all were new once!


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