This dialogue occurs if Morlin is spoken to at the end of 2-2
Mission: A Revelation in Flames. If The Lab is entered from the Haven Garrison and the next rank missions are incomplete, the dialogue remains available:
This is astounding! The battle sprites you recovered from the Sunset Steppes have somehow morphed into a new entity!
- They look like dragons from fairy tales.
Indeed. Though their cellular identity is still wholly that of a battle sprite. My hypothesis is that somehow they rapidly evolved to survive in their new environment, but how? Our technology could never do something like that...
- Cradle is growing more mysterious by the day.
Yes. It would seem as though we have much to learn of this place.
Rhendon's report noted that many of the sprites were missing from the site. He suggested foul play.
- Perhaps gremlins are trying to steal our technology?
If so, we must prevent further damage. Now please, there are yet more sprites to be rescued. And who knows what we'll discover when we get there!