Barbarous Thorn Blade

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Barbarous Thorn Blade
Barbarous Thorn Blade-Equipped.png
Damage type(s) and Attack Speed influence combat. The attack style of the weapon in relation to the combat environment is also important. Consider both when choosing weapons to wield.


Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details. Some enemies are immune to certain status conditions - see individual status pages for details.

This item doesn't have any special abilities.

All weapons gain these CTR bonuses as they level.
  • Level 5+: CTR: Low
  • Level 10: CTR: Medium

The Barbarous Thorn Blade is a 5-star sword.


A mythical blade that lashes out with the fury of the Snarbolax itself. Those who wield it claim to feel the fiery stare of the beast upon them whenever they close their eyes. — Tooltip


Icon-recipe.png: Basil - Randomly in stock for 25,000 crowns in depth 23 Clockwork Terminals (unbound).


The 5-star recipe for this item costs 25,000 crowns; the alchemy cost is 5,000 crowns. Below are the materials needed to make the Barbarous Thorn Blade.

Name Amount
Crafting-Dark Shard.png Dark Shard 20
Crafting-Sharp Fang.png Sharp Fang 5
Crafting-Swordstone.png Swordstone 4
Crafting-Dead Gold.png Dead Gold 3
Crafting-Silver Coil.png Silver Coil 2
Crafting-Primal Ore.png Primal Ore 1
Rarity-Eternal Orb of Alchemy icon.png Eternal Orb of Alchemy 3
Equipment-Dark Thorn Blade icon.png Dark Thorn Blade (Heat Level 10)

Note: When crafting using bound equipment as a precursor, the upgraded item will also be bound.

Alchemy Path

Barbarous Thorn Blade's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Snarble Barb
Snarble Barb
Twisted Snarble Barb
Twisted Snarble Barb
Dark Thorn Blade
Dark Thorn Blade
Barbarous Thorn Blade
Barbarous Thorn Blade


Basic Attack

A slash that knocks back followed by two thrusts forward, like other piercing swords.

Charge Attack

The Knight takes a step backwards and takes a powerful swing with the sword. The swing shoots out 8 black-and-red spike projectiles in an approximate 75 degree angle forwards, which is additionally followed by a phantasmal image of the Snarbolax biting forwards. The Phantasmal Snarbolax does its own damage seperate from the spikes.


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and are listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum.

 [hideBarbarous Thorn Blade's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Beasts and Fiends
Hits 1 and 2 44 - 53 61 - 69 110 - 119 125 - 133 193 - 237 258 - 285
Hit 3 52 - 62 72 - 82 130 - 141 148 - 158 229 - 281 307 - 340
Charge Attack 69 - 83 97 - 111 175 - 191 202 - 218 312 - 384 420 - 468
Charge Projectile 18 - 21 24 - 30 53 - 57 59 - 62 100 - 129 144 - 160
Versus Gremlins and Undead
Hits 1 and 2 39 - 45 50 - 54 90 - 92 94 - 95 148 - 180 193 - 203
Hit 3 47 - 54 60 - 67 110 - 114 117 - 121 184 - 224 241 - 258
Charge Attack 64 - 75 86 - 96 155 - 165 171 - 180 267 - 327 355 - 386
Charge Projectile 13 - 14 17 - 20 34 - 35 36 - 38 58 - 73 79 - 83
Versus Slimes and Constructs
Hits 1 and 2 7 - 8 10 - 11 17 - 19 20 - 22 31 - 38 42 - 47
Hit 3 8 - 9 11 - 13 20 - 22 23 - 25 36 - 45 49 - 55
Charge Attack 10 - 12 14 - 17 26 - 29 31 - 34 49 - 61 68 - 77
Charge Projectile 3 - 4 5 - 6 10 - 11 11 - 13 18 - 23 26 - 29


The Barbarous Thorn Blade is part of the Frumious Fang token reward line. The items in this set include:

See Also

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