Bosco is an NPC.
This character has items most similar to:
Dot eyes, Yellow personal color
Similar to a Stranger Hat with no attachments. An alchemy (or Unique Variant) symbol is visible in front of the headlamp.
Similar to a Spiral Brigandine with a prismatic Barrel Belly and a prismatic Vitakit attached to it.
Bosco wields no weapons in Haven. He seems to carry a Wrench elsewhere.
This character has been in the game since ???.
Bosco inform the player about alchemy.
When you encounter him in the Bazaar, he will be working on a Mecha Knight for "expeditions," which indicates he is probably a researcher.
When you encounter him later in the 9-4 Hall of Heroes, he seems to have fixed the Mecha Knight.
This NPC's name means "forest" in Italian and is used as a surname.
I got a great deal on this broken mecha knight. If I can just figure out how to get it working properly I'll have myself a personal bodyguard for my expeditions into the Clockworks.
Hello there, PLAYERNAME! My name is Bosco and I'm here to give you a rundown on the basics of alchemy. It's pretty simple stuff really, thanks to these Alchemy Stations. They do all the heavy lifting for ya!
Ok, here is the gist of it all- collect materials and recipes and turn them into weapons and gear. Easy right?
When you acquire a recipe and use it, it consumes the recipe, but logs it in your 'known' recipes forever! Once it's known, you can create as many items of that recipe as you wish, so long as you have the right materials.
When you interact with an Alchemy Station you will open the alchemy interface where you can see your known recipe...
...and the required materials, orbs of alchemy, and crowns needed to transmute the item.
Many recipes require an equip-able, leveled item. These are called 'special items' in a recipe and you are free to select the special item you wish, provided it's the correct item. This is useful if the recipe calls for an item that you have two copies of, but one is superior.
Once you're ready to transmute the item, click 'Transmute' and hold your breath!
Yes indeed! That's because every time you transmute an item through alchemy, there is a chance you can get one of several Unique Variants that makes your item much more powerful!
That covers the basics for alchemy. I can go over it all once more if you like, or mark you as having cleared this mission and send you on your way.
- Let's go over it all one more time. (go back to start)
I think I've got it, thanks!
You'll be alchemizing amazing items in no time! In fact, here are a couple of recipes to get you started.
- Complete mission (ends dialogue)
We meet again, PLAYERNAME. Spiral HQ has asked me to introduce you to some advanced alchemy. Don't worry, this won't take long. I've got an old mechs knight to work on anyway.
Basically it comes down to 'branching.' You see, most of the alchemy you have likely seen up to this point follows a linear evolution path. It simply improves over time and each upgrade is better than the last. But not all items are like that. Many of them can become multiple, completely different types of items than their original!
- Wow, sounds like I have a lot to learn!
You'll figure it out as you go along, trust me. Take this Brandish for example. It has within it the potential to become three different types of elemental blades that deliver powerful status conditions, or even a shadowy sword of darkness! You just need to discover the recipes that require a brandish and get crafting to find out. Here, you can even keep this Brandish I've got. Transmute it into something amazing.
- Thanks Bosco! I'll gather some some recipes and get crafting! (ends dialogue)
Hello again, PLAYERNAME. I understand you're well on your way to reaching the Core and need an arsenal that will keep you alive.
- I could always use a good sword.
A good sword is, well, good and all, but how about a great sword? If you want weapons that will shake the heavens, then mastery level alchemy is what you need. Once you craft an item into its 4 and 5 star incarnation, you unlock that item's true hidden potential.
At 4 and 5 star level, gear offers the best protection you can find and weapons pack the biggest punch. If you want to stay alive where you're heading, you need to start building an arsenal of 4 and 5 star gear. And remember- as items reach 5 star they typically can branch even more than before. Your combat options are about to really open up. Plan your arsenal with care.
Before you go, here's a few materials to get you started. Good luck.
Bosco in the Bazaar working on his Mecha Knight.
Bosco in the 9-4
Mission: Hall of Heroes.
Looks like he fixed his Mecha Knight!
See Also