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This page is a list of all the news posts on the main spiral knights page from 2014.
Thumbnail | Date and Forum | Type | Wiki | News Title & Post | |
-000101101 | 2014.01 1 January 2014
Purchase - Pack |
Deluxe Starter Pack | "A Deluxe Start for the New Year!"[show]
Introducing the Deluxe Starter Pack! This new energy pack contains upgrades and unique gear to ensure any knight a deluxe start on Cradle! Equip your knight with the Tri-Guard Armor, Tri-Guard Helm, and Green Ward Shield. Prepare for battle with a Red Saber, Static Flash and Chilling Duelist. This pack also includes 7,500 Energy, a Weapon Slot Upgrade, 30 day Heat Amplifier and 10 Sparks of Life. This energy pack can only be purchased once per account. The Deluxe Starter Pack will be available to accounts which have previously purchased the Starter or Party Pack. | |
-000102102 | 2014.02 15 January 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Return of the Rose Regalia!"[show]
Will your adventures become the stuff of folk tales? Perhaps, with the right combination of bravery and dashing good looks! Become a Knight of the Rose and equip your knight with chapeaux and tabards in three new colors: Garnet, Moonstone and Malachite. Between now and January 20, 2014, receive a Rose Regalia Prize Box with each $9.95 spent in a single purchase. To celebrate the return of the Rose Regalia, each box will also include Leaf Confetti! | |
-000103103 | 2014.03 24 January 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Celebrate the Year of the Horse!"[show]
The Spiral Wardens are well known as guardians and protectors. The horse head helm makes it easy to identify members of this elite order who have sworn to put the safety of others before their own. Though similar in appearance, do not mistake these brave champions for Trojans. The origin of these cursed beings is shrouded in mystery. Are these few in the Clockworks the tattered remains of the Legion of Ur, or are they some other creature, corrupted by a dark power? What is the strange crystal embedded in their backs? Now through February 3rd, 2014, receive Warden costume items and Trojan accessories in Colossal Prize Boxes! Receive one box with each $9.95 spent in a single energy purchase. See the announcement post for the details and a complete list of prizes! | |
-000104104 | 2014.04 7 February 2014
Promotion | Crest of Love | "Love Makes Cradle Go Round!"[show]
Share a little love with your fellow knights! Now at the Supply Depot, Valentine's Day costumes, accessories and usables. Show your exuberance for Valentine’s Day with new Heart eyes and the Crest of Love accessory. Be sure to also add Love Auras and Forever Love Puppy Masks to your arsenal. These items are all unbound upon purchase, making them perfect gifts for your special someone. New at the Supply Depot - Gift Boxes! Buy empty gift boxes, wrap up your presents, and write a note for a perfect Valentine's Day! Valentine items will be available from the Supply Depot through February 15th. | |
-000105105 | 2014.05 21 February 2014
Sale - Supply Depot |
Supply Depot Sale | "Flash Sales at the Supply Depot!"[show]
Kozma is holding flash sales in the Supply Depot, February 21st through 23rd! In addition to discounts and great deals, she has a special item for this sale that has never been seen in the game! Be sure to check the Supply Depot frequently during the weekend, as the bargains will change often! | |
-000106106 | 2014.06 26 February 2014
Gameplay - Event Promotion |
March of the Tortodrones Admin Page ![]() |
"March of the Tortodrones!"[show]
Tortodrones from all over the clockworks are being called away on the Long Migration, a mysterious event that even the Strangers don't fully understand. The fiends are taking advantage of this rare occurrence by taking the parts of tortodrones that have fallen by the wayside. Spiral HQ is sending knights to the Ancient Grove to investigate. Find a way to unlock the Grim Gates and uncover the fiendish plot! Equip your knight with ancient and serene items from the mysterious tortodrone homeland. Now through March 9th, 2014, find these items and accessories in Ancient Prize Boxes. Receive one box with each $9.95 spent in a single energy purchase. See the announcement post for the details! | |
-000107107 | 2014.07 14 March 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Balance in the Cosmos!"[show]
The Strangers pause at the equinox to recognize the brief moment of cosmic balance on Cradle. For just a breath of time, there is harmony between night and day, the sun and moon, and symmetry in the celestial sphere. To recognize this event, Spiral HQ has created new equipment and accessories for the Knights of the Spiral Order. Now through the end of March 22nd, 2014, receive an Equinox Prize Box for every $9.95 you spend in a single energy purchase. These boxes require no key to open and the items are unbound. | |
-000108108 | 2014.08 2 April 2014
Gameplay - Event Promotion |
Caketastrophe Admin Page ![]() |
"Happy 3rd Anniversary Spiral Knights!"[show]
The Skylark’s Head Chef, Biscotti, has been busy preparing for this year’s anniversary celebration. To help her with this extravaganza, she hired Groat, an Emberlight chef. After she delivered the last crate of batter, he mysteriously disappeared into the Clockworks. Help Biscotti sort out this mix-up in the new prestige mission "A Gremlin in Knead." Fight Current Cakes and Batterbots in the Gremlin kitchen to earn Cake Slice tokens. Visit Maskwell in Haven Town Square to exchange tokens for cake helms, Anniversary Prize Boxes, and other party-themed accessories! Spiral HQ has assembled select prize boxes from the past 3 years together into a Surprise Box! When you open a Surprise Box, you will randomly receive a past prize box, and some confetti. There is also a chance to receive a new Stately Cap. These boxes are free with select energy purchases. Kozma is also in the party spirit and has a number of items on special in the Supply Depot. Look for special items, as well as fireworks in new colors and checkered wrapping paper! | |
-000109109 | 2014.090 16 April 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Hop into Spring!"[show]
Though the seasons never change in the Aurora Isles, the breeze seems to carry a hint of spring and the sun feels a bit warmer. Flowers are blooming, dust bunnies are swarming, and Spiral HQ has a touch of spring madness. Put spring into your step with items from the Blooming Prize Box! Blooming Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4 each, or in a package of 5 for $15. Prize boxes can only be purchased on their own and are not included with purchases of energy. | |
-000110110 | 2014.10 25 April 2014
Sale - Supply Depot |
Supply Depot Sale | "Flash Sales in the Supply Depot!"[show]
Kozma is holding flash sales in the Supply Depot April 25th through 27th! In addition to discounts and great deals, she has special items for this sale that have never been seen in the game! Be sure to check the Supply Depot frequently during the weekend, as the bargains will change often! | |
-000111111 | 2014.11 30 April 2014
Gameplay - Event | Kataclysmic Confrontation | "Kataclysmic Confrontation!"[show]
Hordes of black kats are again raiding the Moorcroft Manor Archives’ collection of magical grimoires! These shadowy beasts hunger for arcane power and are making another attempt to execute their nefarious plans. It appears that illiteracy is still rampant among the black kat hordes, so they have once more taken to eating the pilfered pages rather than using them for arcane rituals. Collect Ancient Page tokens through the daily Prestige Mission, or as drops from black kat monsters in the Clockworks. Craft special Kat gear and the new Black Kat Seraphynx. | |
-000112112 | 2014.11 30 April 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Strike from the Shadows!"[show]
During this Kataclysmic event, Haven Treasury has created the Katastrophe Prize Box. Equip your knight with gear and accessories inspired by Seraphynx and Black Kats. Equally deadly to their enemies, will your knight dazzle or curse your foe? Katastrophe Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4.95 each, 5 for $19.95, or 14 for $49.95. These boxes do not require a key to open, and all items are delivered unbound. | |
-000113113 | 2014.120 21 May 2014
Gameplay - New |
release 2014-05-21 | "Mission Briefing!"[show]
Knights from all over are reporting strange events pointing to the Crimson Order. Spiral HQ has tasked you to revisit some key Rank Missions for information about these unusual events. | |
-000114114 | 2014.120 21 May 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Summertime Splash!"[show]
Knights, it's time to grab a seat next to the beautiful Haven fountain, put up your feet, and get ready to enjoy summer! Spiral HQ has created Splash Prize Boxes to help with your relaxation plans. Equip your knight with Splash armor, and seasonally reskinned weapons. Have a little fun with your friends in Haven with a Bucket of Bloons. Splash Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. | |
-000115115 | 2014.13 4 June 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Raging Storm!"[show]
New costume items and accessories forged from the thunder and lightning of a tempestuous storm! Rage Prize Boxes contain Raging helms and armor, crests, wings and a new accessory, the Tome of Rage. Call down the fury of the storm with the Rage Caller usable. Rage Prize Boxes can be purchased for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. | |
-000116116 | 2014.14 13 June 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Wings of Fire and Ice!"[show]
Celebrate this solstice with new Wings of Summer and Winter! Solstice Prize Boxes include Summer and Winter Accessories and Confetti, UV Tickets, and a bonus chance to receive a Bucket of Bloons. Haven Treasury is offering a Solstice Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000117117 | 2014.15 18 June 2014
Gameplay - Event | Shroud of the Apocrea Grasping Aura |
"Return of the Apocrea!"[show]
The mysterious Apocrea Harvester returns to Cradle to trap and harvest souls. This sinister being will pursue any who enter the Grasping Plateau to add to the collection. Work together to free souls and find Apocrean Sigil tokens. Visit the Obelisk of Creation to craft Obsidian weapons and the new, Grasping Aura. Also returning, Obsidian Prize Boxes contain items from the realm of the Apocrea. Visit the Supply Depot to equip your knight in sinister helms and armors crafted from Obsidian. | |
-000118118 | 2014.18 2 July 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Know Your Enemy!"[show]
Spiral HQ recently conducted an extensive study of the Jelly monster family. This research has produced a new line of slime gear and accessories. Knight Walkon, who was found sleeping in the Hall of Heroes, commented ‘So squishy!’ before he dozed off again. Haven Treasury is offering Slime Prize Boxes for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000119119 | 2014.190 16 July 2014
Promotion - Furniture | Admin Page ![]() |
"Almirian Citadel!"[show]
Knights who brave the Firestorm Citadel see small glimpses of the splendor and magnificence that once was the Kingdom of Almire. Spiral HQ sent expeditions to study the kingdom and recover artifacts of daily life from before fire consumed the land. Haven Treasury has assembled the Almire Furniture Box to share these discoveries with knights in Haven. Some items are charred beyond repair. Others are carefully restored to their former glory. Find chairs, rugs, tapestries, benches and tables from Almire for your Guild Hall. Will a Nature Sprite help your guild better commune with the Spirit Mother in her faraway realm? | |
-000120120 | 2014.190 16 July 2014
Gameplay - Event | March of the Tortodrones "Tortofist" handguns |
"Tortodrone Migration!"[show]
Since the troubles with the last Tortodrone Migration, Spiral HQ established a monitoring station in the Ancient Grove. Recon Knights there report an increase in activity and suspect the Fiends have returned to the Grim Gates. Spiral HQ is sending you to investigate! Gather intel and Fiendish Glyphs from Fiends in the Clockworks. Explore the Ancient Grove and collect Ancient Shell materials. Craft new Tortodrone handguns at the mysterious alchemy machine! | |
-000121121 | 2014.190 16 July 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Serene and Peaceful!"[show]
Equip your knight with ancient and serene items from the mysterious Tortodrone homeland. Listen to the faint and soothing song formed by wind traveling from a distant land. Feel the tremors caused by the marching giants. Haven Treasury is offering Ancient Prize Boxes for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000122122 | 2014.20 30 July 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Rose Regalia Reappears!"[show]
Knights of the Rose are brave and dashing heroes whose adventures are the subject of legend. Become a Knight of the Rose and equip your knight with chapeaux and tabards in new colors: Amethyst, Citrine and Prismatic. Haven Treasury is offering Rose Regalia Returns Prize Boxes for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000123123 | 2014.22 13 August 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: THWACK"[show]
Small and mischievous, Gremlins are a perplexing force on Cradle. Their exact role in the history of the planet remains a mystery to the Spiral Order. It's been a challenge to gather intel on the Crimson Order, as there seem to be chaos and scheming within the group. In order to better infiltrate their ranks, and gather information about this crafty foe, Spiral HQ presents Gremlin helms, armors and accessories. To complete the guise, a Drakon battle sprite has been fashioned to look like a gun puppy. The Gremlin Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000124124 | 2014.23 27 August 2014
Promotion - Gear |
Admin Page ![]() |
"Mix it up!"[show]
Cradle's most famous chef, Biscotti, has struck a deal with Kozma, the Spiral Quartermaster, to issue a new round of Battle Chef items! Battle Chef Coats and Hats in pink, yellow, and purple are available, as well as the new Overcharged Mixmaster and Power Mitt. Those last two pieces might appear to be kitchen implements at first glance, but Spiral HQ has found they have practical applications in the field as handgun and shield, respectively. The Haven Treasury is offering Confection Prize Boxes for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000125125 | 2014.25 10 September 2014
Sale - Supply Depot |
Supply Depot Sale | "Fall Flash Sales!"[show]
Kozma is holding flash sales in the Supply Depot September 10-16! In addition to discounts and great deals, she has a new special item for this sale that has never been seen in the game! Be sure to check the Supply Depot frequently during the week, as the bargains will change often! | |
-000126126 | 2014.260 17 September 2014
Gameplay - Event | Kataclysmic Confrontation | "Kataclysmic Confrontation!"[show]
Spiral HQ is receiving reports that Black Kats have been spotted in the Clockworks! These beasts are drawn to the arcane power of the Moorcroft Manor Archives’ collection of magical grimoires. What dark ritual has the black kat horde planned? Collect Ancient Page tokens through the daily Prestige Mission, or as drops from black kat monsters in the Clockworks. New at the Mysterious Alchemy Machine, Kat Claw, Kat Hiss and Kat Eye armors! | |
-000127127 | 2014.260 17 September 2014
Promotion - Gear |
Admin Page ![]() |
"The Balance in a Good Blade!"[show]
The Strangers pause each equinox and listen to the harmony of balance in the celestial sphere. To recognize this cosmic event, Spiral HQ has equipment and accessories for the Knights of the Spiral Order. New for this equinox, the Celestial Saber! The Haven Treasury is offering the Equinox Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000128128 | 2014.270 1 October 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Operation: ZAP"[show]
As a follow-up to Operation: THWACK, Spiral HQ has created Mecha Suits, Mecha Helms and Construct-themed accessories for Knights of the Spiral Order. Reports indicate that while they scrutinize other Gremlins with suspicion, they are likely to ignore flailing Mecha Knights. These new items should allow knights to gather further intelligence on the unpredictable behavior and schemes of the Gremlins. The Construct Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000129129 | 2014.28 15 October 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Katastrophe Returns!"[show]
The season of shadows and haunting is upon us! Is it time to show off your best costumes of shadow and dread? Or do you prefer to push back the darkness with dazzling light? Katastrophe Prize Boxes return with new Kat Suit costumes and shadow accessories! Accessorize your gear with dazzling and dreadful items inspired by Seraphynx and Black Kats. Katastrophe Returns Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000130130 | 2014.29 22 October 2014
Gameplay - Event | Dark Harvest Festival | "Dark Harvest Festival!"[show]
The spookiest season has returned to Cradle! Join the Strangers in the annual celebration of the Dark Harvest Festival. Pay tribute to the playful Punkin King and ensure an abundant fall harvest. Meet the Punkin King in the daily prestige mission or adventure in Clockwork Tunnels levels of the Clockworks for a chance to find this mischievous being. Trick or Treat, collect candy tokens and exchange them in Haven Town Square for festive masks and Harvest Prize Boxes. Beware as you travel near graveyards, as there are whispers of a frightening new monster, the Grim Gourdling! | |
-000131131 | 2014.30 29 October 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Join the Scarlet Scouts!"[show]
Rhendon is recruiting brave knights to join the elite Scarlet Scouts. These Recon knights travel fast and light to gather intel on the most hazardous areas of Cradle. Like the Recon Rangers, each Scarlet Scout is equipped with a special shield, The Last Gasp. The name serves as a reminder to all as to precisely when a Scout is permitted to drop it in battle. Hazardous Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000132132 | 2014.32 12 November 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"A Cue from Nature"[show]
Mimic the coloring of Cradle's most poisonous beasties with Spiral HQ's latest offering! Venom Fiend Wings, Mail, Masks, and Vile accessories help Knights of the Spiral Order blend in and do what must be done. Vile Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000133133 | 2014.33 26 November 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Gaggles of Gobbling Snipes!"[show]
Gaggles of gobbling snipes have appeared in Haven on their seasonal trek across Cradle! Visit the Supply Depot and purchase Gobble Snipe Boxes to create a flock of Gobble Snipes in your guild hall. Gobble Snipes are available in autumn colors brown, black and gold. This year the box also includes a chance for the Gift of Autumn trinket! The Supply Depot will also have the Fall Leafy Aura accessory item for sale. These items are available through December 1st! | |
-000134134 | 2014.35 3 December 2014
Gameplay - Gear (Gunner Update) |
release 2014-12-03 | "Fancy Yourself A Gunslinger?"[show]
We have a game update today with new handguns, helms and armors! This new gear expands the arsenal available to knights who favor handguns, giving them more flexibility and resilience in the changing environments of the Clockworks. The update also makes changes to some existing handguns to improve balance and player experience. Be sure to read over the patch notes for more information on all the new gear! | |
-000135135 | 2014.360 17 December 2014
Gameplay - Event | Winterfest | "Happy Winterfest!"[show]
As the weather turns cold and the snow begins to fall, the Strangers and snipes invite you to celebrate Winterfest. Impostoclaus arrives to bring delight and glee to all creatures of Cradle. However, some Gremlins say "Humbug!" and plan to stop Impostoclaus and destroy Winterfest! Stop the Grinchlins from destroying Winterfest with two daily prestige missions. Save Winterfest! Help Impostoclaus deliver presents to the children of Emberlight. Feed him milk and cookies to keep him strong. Protect him from Grinchlins and collect Winter Wish tokens. Exchange Winter Wishes with Randolph in Haven Town Square for festive helms, winter confetti, and snowballs. Grinchlin Assault! Raid the Grinchlin stronghold on Mount Krampus to stop them from ruining Winterfest! Make your way through the compound, all the way to the summit to find special 4* Solstice Ring trinkets. Combine them together to make the 5* Grand Solstice Ring trinket! Visit the Supply Depot for Decoration Kits for your guild hall, and gift boxes to wrap your gifts and attach a note! Be sure to read over the patch notes for more information on all the new gear! | |
-000136136 | 2014.360 17 December 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"The Season of Fire and Ice!"[show]
Now is the season of fire and ice! Celebrate the solstice with items of summer and winter. Solstice Prize Boxes include summer and winter accessories, confetti, UV tickets and buckets of snowballs! Haven Treasury is offering a Solstice Prize Box for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000137137 | 2014.360 17 December 2014
Promotion | Admin Page ![]() |
"Bundle Up During Winterfest!"[show]
The wind blows cold on Mount Krampus this winter. Be sure to bundle up with new Polar Warden hoods and coats. These costumes come in Day, Night and Twilight. Polar Prize Boxes also contain Polar accessories, winter confetti and snowballs! Polar Prize Boxes are available for $4.95 each, 5 boxes for $19.95 or 14 boxes for $49.95. See the announcement post for more information! | |
-000138138 | 2014.37 28 December 2014
Giveaway | Birdsong Trading Company | "Birdsong Trading Co. giveaway!"[show]
The Strangers are celebrating the end of the year with gifts for the Knights of the Spiral Order. The Birdsong Trading Co. will be hosting a giveaway to all players through the end of January 3rd, 2015. All players logged in to the game will be eligible for hourly prize giveaways! Prizes include Party Hats, Blowouts, Eyes, Confetti, Fireworks, Sparks of Life, Shadow Keys and more! Remember, the only way to be in the running is to be logged in and playing the game! Good luck and Happy New Year! |