Pot O' Crowns

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Equipment-Scissor Blades icon.png This item is a Reskin of another item.
See the Notes section on this page for details.
Pot O' Crowns
Pot O' Crowns-Equipped.png
Damage type(s) and Attack Speed influence combat. The attack style of the weapon in relation to the combat environment is also important. Consider both when choosing weapons to wield.


Boosts and Penalties are both considered "abilities" in general. Many items don't have any special abilities. See the Abilities page for details. Some enemies are immune to certain status conditions - see individual status pages for details.

Equipment-Pot O' Crowns Abilities.png

All weapons gain these CTR bonuses as they level.
  • Level 5+: CTR: Low
  • Level 10: CTR: Medium

The Pot O' Crowns is a 5-star bomb.


An unlucky thing for your foes to find, it explodes in a painful blow. — Tooltip


Obtained randomly from a Usable-Lucky Prize Box icon.png Lucky Prize Box.

Alchemy Path

Pot O' Crowns's alchemy path
☆☆☆☆☆ ★☆☆☆☆ ★★☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★☆ ★★★★★
Pot O' Crowns
Pot O' Crowns


The following damage values represent the weapon at its completed level, without any UV or bonus from other equipment, and are listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum. The charge attack deals a small blast of Elemental damage upon detonation, then leaves an area of haze that causes Fire. The initial blast radius is considerably smaller than the haze's radius. Enemies that enter the haze are ignited and receive fire damage which is applied several times before the status wears off.

Unlike the standard Ash of Agni, enemies will be engulfed in rainbow flames.

 [hidePot O' Crowns's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Constructs and Undead
Explosion 37-43 51-57 96-104 110-117 173-217 239-266
Versus Slimes and Fiends
Explosion 32-35 39-42 76-78 79-80 128-160 174-184
Versus Beasts and Gremlins
Explosion 6-7 8-10 15-17 18-20 28-35 39-44

 [hidePot O' Crowns's Damage Table
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Ice Cubes and Glop Drops
Fire (x5) 7 - 12 17 - 23 26 - 36 44 - 54 67 - 86 95 - 108
Total 35 - 60 85 - 115 130 - 180 220 - 270 335 - 430 475 - 540
Versus Zombies and Lichens
Fire (x5) 6 - 11 16 - 20 23 - 33 39 - 49 60 - 77 85 - 97
Total 30 - 55 80 - 100 115 - 165 195 - 245 300 - 385 425 - 485
Versus Lichen Colonies, Lumbers, Jellies, and Toxigels
Fire (x4) 5 - 9 13 - 17 19 - 27 32 - 40 49 - 63 70 - 79
Total 20 - 36 52 - 68 76 - 108 128 - 160 196 - 252 280 - 316
Versus Giant Lichen Colonies, Quicksilvers, Wolvers and other Constructs
Fire (x4) 5 - 8 11 - 15 17 - 24 28 - 35 43 - 56 62 - 70
Total 20 - 32 44 - 60 68 - 96 112 - 140 172 - 224 248 - 280
Versus Chromalisks and Mecha Knights
Fire (x3) 4 - 7 10 - 13 15 - 20 24 - 30 37 - 48 53 - 60
Total 12 - 21 30 - 39 45 - 60 72 - 90 111 - 144 159 - 180
Versus Fiends, Gremlins, and Kats
Fire (x3) 3 - 6 8 - 11 12 - 17 21 - 26 31 - 40 45 - 51
Total 9 - 18 24 - 33 36 - 51 63 - 78 93 - 120 135 - 153


This item is a reskin of the Ash of Agni.

See Also

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