Prestige Mission Rotation/Vanguard

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 [hideVanguard Prestige Mission Rotation
Day Clockworks Mission
(6 day rotation)
Supply Mission
(9 day rotation)
Danger Mission
(4 day rotation)
1 Gate Icon-Construct.png Assault on Machine Shop 13 Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★★) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
2 Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Hazardous Heist Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,3,3 of 3*) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
3 Gate Icon-Fiend.png White Collar Captives Icon-mineral.png Geological Survey (20,20) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
4 Gate Icon-Undead.png Scared to Death Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (1x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
5 Gate Icon-Beast.png Nature of the Beast Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 4*) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
6 Gate Icon-Slime.png A Pinch of Salt Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★☆) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
7 Gate Icon-Construct.png Assault on Machine Shop 13 Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 5*) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
8 Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Hazardous Heist Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (2x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
9 Gate Icon-Fiend.png White Collar Captives Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,2,1 of 3*,4*,5*) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
10 Gate Icon-Undead.png Scared to Death Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★★) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
11 Gate Icon-Beast.png Nature of the Beast Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,3,3 of 3*) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
12 Gate Icon-Slime.png A Pinch of Salt Icon-mineral.png Geological Survey (20,20) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
13 Gate Icon-Construct.png Assault on Machine Shop 13 Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (1x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
14 Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Hazardous Heist Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 4*) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
15 Gate Icon-Fiend.png White Collar Captives Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★☆) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
16 Gate Icon-Undead.png Scared to Death Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 5*) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
17 Gate Icon-Beast.png Nature of the Beast Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (2x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
18 Gate Icon-Slime.png A Pinch of Salt Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,2,1 of 3*,4*,5*) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
19 Gate Icon-Construct.png Assault on Machine Shop 13 Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★★) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
20 Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Hazardous Heist Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,3,3 of 3*) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
21 Gate Icon-Fiend.png White Collar Captives Icon-mineral.png Geological Survey (20,20) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
22 Gate Icon-Undead.png Scared to Death Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (1x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
23 Gate Icon-Beast.png Nature of the Beast Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 4*) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
24 Gate Icon-Slime.png A Pinch of Salt Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★☆) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
25 Gate Icon-Construct.png Assault on Machine Shop 13 Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 5*) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
26 Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Hazardous Heist Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (2x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
27 Gate Icon-Fiend.png White Collar Captives Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,2,1 of 3*,4*,5*) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
28 Gate Icon-Undead.png Scared to Death Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★★) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
29 Gate Icon-Beast.png Nature of the Beast Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,3,3 of 3*) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
30 Gate Icon-Slime.png A Pinch of Salt Icon-mineral.png Geological Survey (20,20) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
31 Gate Icon-Construct.png Assault on Machine Shop 13 Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (1x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
32 Gate Icon-Gremlin.png Hazardous Heist Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 4*) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
33 Gate Icon-Fiend.png White Collar Captives Icon-sword.png Arms Appropriation (★★★★☆) Gate Icon-Beast.pngGate Icon-Fiend.png Heart of Ice
34 Gate Icon-Undead.png Scared to Death Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (1 of 5*) Gate Icon-Construct.pngGate Icon-Undead.png Ghosts in the Machine
35 Gate Icon-Beast.png Nature of the Beast Crafting-Deluxe Supply Pack.png Supply Delivery (2x Deluxe) Gate Icon-Gremlin.pngGate Icon-Slime.png Compound 42
36 Gate Icon-Slime.png A Pinch of Salt Icon-material.png Monstrous Research (3,2,1 of 3*,4*,5*) Gate Icon-Undead.png Legion of Almire
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