Scared to Death

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Scared to Death
Mission-Scared to Death.png
Mission List: Prestige (Daily)
Important Stratum Themes:
  • Monsters: Gate Icon-Undead.png
  • Status: Depends on level

Scared to Death is a prestige mission.



The ruins of Owlite castles are dark and cursed places that are swarming with legions of undead spookats. The worst of these, the seemingly invincible grimalkins, constantly lurk in the shadows, awaiting the moment your life-saving light is finally snugged out.

Some knights succumb to the darkness and become paralyzed with fear in these shadowy realms. The only thing that can save them are brave knights who have long lost their childhood fears of the dark and all the terrible creatures that lurk within.


Save the lost Knight from joining the ranks of the dead in the haunted manor!

Gate Map

First Floor:
Gate-Generic Lobby.png
Name: Mission Lobby
Depth: 0
Level Link: This mission's lobby is standard.

Second Floor:
Gate-Clockwork Tunnels-Haunted Passage.png
Gate-Blast Furnace-Haunted Passage.png , Gate-Cooling Chamber-Haunted Passage.png , Gate-Wasteworks-Haunted Passage.png , Gate-Power Complex-Haunted Passage.png
Name: The Iron Courtyard
Depth: Depends on rank
Level Link: This floor is composed of random Haunted Passage segments.

Third Floor:
Gate-Candlestick Keep-Fear the Dark.png
Gate-Candlestick Keep-Burning Blackout.png , Gate-Candlestick Keep-Cold Shadows.png , Gate-Candlestick Keep-Noxious Night.png , Gate-Candlestick Keep-Galvanized Gloom.png
Name: Retchwell Manor
Depth: Depends on rank
Level Link: This floor is composed of random Candlestick Keep segments. Special: It has a Caged Knight in need of rescue somewhere.


It was one of the first missions composing the Prestige Mission Rotation.

The player must be at least ranked Squire (3-1) to host this mission.

Participants will only receive the prestige reward if they were present in the mission lobby.

The level rotation for its floors is very slow.


See Also

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