From SpiralKnights
Member of Threat (Guild) |
The knight Dalmor was born on April 4, 2011. As soon as Dalmor heard about Spiral Knights on the forums of the other game of Three Rings, he decided to give it a try. As he liked the art and game-play, he got hooked. After a long time of training tier 1 and tier 2 with his Combuster, it was time to try out the Firestorm Citadel. And this is where he stands today, successfully completing Vanaduke runs every day. He usually plays with a Vog Cub set, a Divine Avenger, a Shivermist Buster (CTR: low), a Blitz Needle (CTR: low) and two Elite Trueshot Modules.
Dalmor was the first of his family to start playing Spiral Knights. He has two brothers playing the game as well: Ascotte and Atlantica.
- Recruit in Order Of Venus (Guild)
- Veteran in Threat (Guild)
- Veteran in Connexus (Guild) since 26/07/2012