Caustic Quills

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Caustic Quills
Skill-Caustic Quills.png
Sprite Type
Ultimate Upgrades
Skill-Vengeful Quills.png Vengeful Quills
Skill-Virulent Quills.png Virulent Quills

The Caustic Quills is the first skill of a battle sprite from the Maskeraith family. Its unlocked at level 1.


Fires a series of quills that stick to targets and inflict poison. For each hit a quilled target receives, they lose one quill and take additional damage. — Tooltip


  • Focus: Reduces skill cooldown.
  • Venom: Increases the potency of poison inflicted.
  • Bristle: Increases the number of quills fired and their sticking duration.



The sprite does a backflip and throws at least 7 quills projectiles. The quills are purple.


The following damage values represent the battle sprite at its completed level, and listed as a range found from the first to last floor of each stratum. The values do not include additional damage from the result of poison debuff, so in practice the values will be a little higher against any enemies not immune to poison.

 [showCaustic Quills's Damage Table (Click to Show!)
Stratum 1 Stratum 2 Stratum 3 Stratum 4 Stratum 5 Stratum 6
Versus Weak
Caustic Quills 38 - 46 54 - ? 101 - 109 114 - 122 134 - ? 181 - ?
Versus Neutral
Caustic Quills 33 - 38 43 - 47 81 - 82 83 - 85 88 - ? 109 - 107
Versus Strong
Caustic Quills 6 - 7 9 - 10 16 - 18 19 - 20 23 - ? 31 - 35

Ultimate Upgrade

At level 90 this skill can evolves into one of two ultimate forms, chosen by the knight. An Ultimate Evo Catalyst is required.

This choice alters part of the sprite's appearance, while leaving other parts unchanged, not all battle sprites have the same changes so check their pages for visual examples.

Skill-Vengeful Quills.png
Vengeful Quills

Each time a quilled target is hit, another quill is fired from the target to the next available target. — Tooltip
The attack remains the same but the quills are orange and now quill fire from quilled targets.

Skill-Virulent Quills.png
Virulent Quills

Each time a quilled target is hit there is a chance to trigger a poisonous explosion. — Tooltip
The attack remains the same but the quills are green and now it has a chance for an explosion that causes poison.



When the Venom augment its complete the quill's color change from purple to green.

See Also

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