Warmaster Seerus

De SpiralKnights-es

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Warmaster Seerus
Monster-Warmaster Seerus.png
  • Hammer Smash Attack elemental icon.png
  • Hammer Blast Attack elemental icon.png
  • Spin Attack Attack elemental icon.png
Icon status stun.png
  • Bombas Attack shadow icon.png
  • Rocket Dash
Débil a
  • Attack shadow icon.png
Daño de sombra
Resistente a
  • Attack elemental icon.png
Daño elemental

Inmune a

  • Viales de estatus

"Is it power you seek? The fury of a burning star bound in steel? I will show you both!" — Warmaster Seerus

Warmaster Seerus es un miembro de la Orden Crimson y el jefe del pack de expansión "Operación: Crimson Hammer": es uno de los dos jefes Gremlin (siendo el otro Schemer Razwog), y el primer jefe en una expansión de Spiral Knights. Es dueño del Grand Arsenal y es la mente maestra detrás de incontables máquinas de guerra de los Gremlin, incluyendo a los Gemelos Roarmulus.


Warmaster Seerus has five phases. During the first y third phases, Seerus is perched above the area while his minions do battle for him. Below Seerus are three Battlepods. The left y right Battlepods do not have shields y will respawn, while the middle one does have a shield y ends the phase when destroyed (the main battlepod's destruction is independent of the lesser ones, y so is its shield). In the second y fourth phases, Seerus joins his minions in the fight, wielding his mighty Rocket Hammer. He dashes around dropping bombs that deal Shadow damage y trying to smash the player with his hammer. A charged smash from his hammer will send out lines of explosions in multiple directions like a Blast Network bomb. After a number of charged smashes (usually 3), Seerus will be knocked down for a few seconds. Once he takes enough damage, he will retreat y summon another wave of Battlepods. In the fifth y final phase, Seerus once again joins the fight in addition to the three Battlepods, all of which now have shields, y have the ability to produce lasers that tend to get in the way of knights. Once Seerus is defeated, he self-destructs the Grand Arsenal, y the player escapes, picking up a tier-dependent mask fragment on the way out.


Seerus, like all Gremlins, is weak against Shadow damage. Unlike all other bosses, he is immune to all thrown status vials. Due to his frequent dashing, he can be hard to hit with a sword or bomb, however when knocked down he is extremely vulnerable to sword charges y combos. Therefore, it is recommend to bring a Shadow damage gun such as Sentenza for shooting him while he's dashing around, y a Shadow damage sword such as Acheron for dealing massive damage when he's been knocked down. A competent knight (or group of knights) should be able to keep count of how many charges he has deployed since his last self-stun y come closer to Seerus when he is about to deliver the one that will stun him, keeping out of reach of the blast y the minor explosions so they can deliver damage shortly after.

During the Battlepod phases, it is recommended to divide your team between dealing with minions y attacking the Battlepods. Bombs such as Nitronome y Dark Retribution are useful for keeping the minions away from the teammates attacking the Battlepods. Try to time the destruction of the lesser Battlepods so that they will be gone during the entire time the central Battlepod has its shield down. It is also possible to simply focus on the main Battlepod to end the phase rapidly, albeit with more risk of being damaged by the other Battlepods. During the final phase, the Battlepods cannot be destroyed, so focus all attacks on Seerus, but paying attention to the orange ground markings since the Battlepods fire lazers that inflict fire y heavy elemental damage.


Warmaster Seerus - Nivel 3


  • Cuando se le habla a Vise en el lobby, dice que tuvo una historia con Seerus, y menciona que no merece la pena recordarla de ninguna forma.
  • Antes de pelear contra él, menciona a Herex en uno de sus diálogos.
  • La relación de Seerus con Herex parecer ser, como mínimo, inquietante, ya que pregunta a los caballeros que asedian su arsenal si Herex los ha enviado como asesinos.
  • Lo mismo parece aplicarse a su relación con otros miembros de la orden, ya que el warmaster ha creado una bomba para usar contra ellos.
  • Seerus parece haber sido acogido como una especie de "meme" por la comunidad de Spiral Knights, usado varias veces en lugar de "serio". Un ejemplo podría ser: "Escuchad, todos, lo que estoy a punto de deciros es muy SEERUS". Esto, junto con la particular forma de hablar de mewkat, es uno de los pocos memes relacionados con Spiral Kinght-related conocidos.
  • El Warmaster también parece tener muy poca consideración por su personal, ya que se refiere a ellos como chuchos y suele sacrificar sus vidas con sus inventos. Algunos lo consideran loco y huyen a Emberlight, o los capturan mientras lo intentan.


Tras haber derrotado al Warmaster Seerus por primera vez, recibirás prestigio y dos armas, que varían según el nivel de la misión. Estas armas son:

Además, cada vez que se derrota al Warmaster Seerus se podrá obtener uno de los siguientes materiales (dependiendo del nivel de la misión):

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  • Warmaster Seerus

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