Difference between revisions of "Help:Page/Rank Mission"

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m (add optional section)
m (update)
Line 29: Line 29:
(only include section if the mission is a "dialogue" mission - dialogues within combat missions are contained in floor subpages or notes if the end segment is the only special)
(only include section if the mission is a "dialogue" mission - dialogues within combat missions are contained in floor subpages or notes if the end segment is the only special)
== Notes ==
This mission was introduced with {{release|BLAH}} (unless there's a lot of history, then put it in its own section below)
Anything that might be of interest, trivia, etc, if there none dont include unless theres history, in that case just leave empty
=== History ===
*(if there's enough history) {{release|year-month-day}}: summaryofrelease
*{{release|year-month-day}}: Mission introduced. (if theres a date, if not, dont add it)
*{{release|year-month-day}}: summaryofrelease (for other data)
== Recommendations ==
== Recommendations ==

Latest revision as of 22:45, 25 April 2020

|name          = 
|type          = rank 
|subtype       =
|mission rank  = 
|host rank     = 
|depth range   = 
|combat floors = 
|preceded by   = 
|followed by   = 
|stratum       = 
|NPCs          =

== Overview ==
|description = 
|objective   = 

== Gate Map ==
{{:PAGENAME/Gate Map}} (only include section if there are combat areas)

== Dialogue ==
(only include section if the mission is a "dialogue" mission - dialogues within combat missions are contained in floor subpages or notes if the end segment is the only special)

Anything that might be of interest, trivia, etc, if there none dont include unless theres history, in that case just leave empty

*{{release|year-month-day}}: Mission introduced. (if theres a date, if not, dont add it)
*{{release|year-month-day}}: summaryofrelease (for other data)

== Recommendations ==
=== Strategy ===

=== Loadout ===

== See Also ==
{{mission see also}}


"Recommendations" and its subsections do not need to be included for every page, just the more...difficult endeavors.

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