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(finished July 2011)
(finished August 2011)
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{{showhide|20) August 2, 2011:  "King Krogmo's Coliseum" |content=
King Krogmo has officially opened his monster resort, King Krogmo's Coliseum. This battle sport arena allows Knights to duke it out for fantastic prizes!
The first event, Blast Network, is now available with more events on the way soon. Blast Network is a highly explosive event that pits Knights against each other and equips them with instant-charging bombs. The object of the game is to blow the competition to smithereens! Blast Network has no equipment requisites at all - simply join and get blasting whenever you like.
But that's not all! Each event awards participants with Krogmo Coins that can be exchanged for prizes only found in the Coliseum. There are many to choose from, including recipes for weapons, trinkets and more!
{{showhide|21) Date:  "Title" |content=
{{showhide|21) August 11, 2011:  "Power Surge Weekend!" |content=
Get energized Spiral Knights, this weekend will be a Power Surge Weekend! Beginning Friday, August 12 at 2pm PDT and ending Sunday, August 14 at 9pm PDT all elevator costs will be half off!
A Power Surge Weekend is the perfect time to see more of the Clockworks than you ever have before, offering more adventure for your mist. So gather your friends, ready your sword and take the plunge!
{{showhide|22) August 18, 2011:  "Birdsong Trading Co. Giveaway! " |content=
The Strangers have once again decided to unload some of their supplies to the Spiral Knights. The Birdsong Trading Co. will be hosting a giveaway to all players this weekend!
Beginning Friday, August 19 at 2pm server time (PDT) and ending Sunday, August 21 at 9pm server time (PDT) all players logged in to the game will be eligible for hourly prize giveaways!
{{showhide|23) August 22, 2011:  "New Monsters Draw Near!" ''(Monstrous Profile type of update-polyps and howlitzers)'' |content=
Two new species of monsters have been sighted lurking within the Clockworks: the polyp and the howlitzer.
The polyp is a slime turret that fires piercing barbs. Proceed with caution around this gooey gunner as Intel has discovered that it cannot be surprised! While a polyp has no true 'eyes' it can see in all directions at all times.
The howlitzer is an undead turret that fires shadowy bullets. Even if you manage to destroy this clacking cannon it always has one last trick up its sleeve- it fires its skull directly at its attacker like a missile!
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Revision as of 02:28, 11 May 2014

News Updates

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