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(finished August 2011)
(finished September 2011)
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{{showhide|24) September 6, 2011:  "Official Soundtrack Available Now!" |content=
The Spiral Knights Official Soundtrack is now available! This two disc set features thirty one extended, remixed and remastered tracks by composer Harry Mack.
So if you're a fan of the delightful sonic joy that is the music of Spiral Knights, head on over to your favorite online music vendor and pick it up!
{{showhide|25) September 6, 2011:  "Clockworks Expansion!" ''(Candlestick Keeps)'' |content=
A new Undead level series has appeared within the Clockworks- the Candlestick Keep. These haunted grounds are all that remains of the once prosperous Owlite Academy. Though now overtaken by spookats and other undead horrors, Knights will find Owlite ward candles scattered about the Keep that will save them from what lurks in the dark.
Truly brave Knights will also discover deviously challenging, new Danger Rooms hidden within the Clockworks. Enter at your own risk!
{{showhide|26) September 6, 2011:  "Rose Regalia Redux!" |content=
Between September 6th 10am PDT and September 19th 10am PDT, purchase energy packages of $9.95 USD or more and receive a special bonus item from the new Rose Regalia costume set for each purchase!
Become a Knight of the Rose, a sacred order of brave and especially dashing heroes whose numerous adventures are the subject of many folk tales. The Knights of the Rose were said to be peerless fencers, believing that their blades were like the flowers of their name: a delicate thing of beauty that hides a vicious sting.
{{showhide|27) September 14, 2011:  "King Krogmo Launches Lockdown!" |content=
King Krogmo has unveiled his latest Coliseum event, Lockdown! Capturing the true spirit of battle, Lockdown has Knights fighting for domination of control points across sprawling battlefields. Further adding to the fray, Spiral HQ has authorized the use of two new features: class mods and loadouts.
Class mods allow Lockdown participants to completely alter their playstyle. Will you choose to take on the role of the stalwart Guardian, the hard hitting Striker or the elusive Recon?
Loadouts are specific sets of gear that you can create and customize for fast equipping in towns, Clockwork Terminals and Lockdown team bases. Find the perfect combination that's right for you!
{{showhide|28) September 22, 2011:  "Power Surge Weekend!" |content=
Get energized Spiral Knights, this weekend will be a Power Surge Weekend! Beginning Friday, September 23 at 2pm PDT and ending Sunday, September 25 at 9pm PDT all elevator costs will be half off!
A Power Surge Weekend is the perfect time to see more of the Clockworks than you ever have before, offering more adventure for your mist. So gather your friends, ready your sword and take the plunge!
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Revision as of 02:33, 11 May 2014

News Updates

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